Circles of Light

I’ve been embracing my power and bringing it into play for many years, ever since I first got wind of it. It’s been a process of self-discovery, because as we free ourselves from patterns that make us act in certain ways, we then free our power and get access to use it in ways that benefit ourselves and others and our whole new scenario. This power is all about service to the whole.

Our power is huge. We have to access it slowly, bit by bit, in order to not be overwhelmed. A night ago, as I was clearing yet another limitation that popped in, I saw the vastness of my power, of our power. This is more than our mind can comprehend.

Being on earth has required that we not remember or be in touch with some things, including how powerful we are, until the time was right. Until we reached the evolutionary moment where our power would be required. We’ve been preparing ourselves for this moment.

We’ve been preparing ourselves for this moment.

It is now upon us. This means we are going to have access to more of our power, and we are going to remember things we didn’t know we knew.

In my own experience, I was very intuitive as a kid. I shut this down at age 12 because it upset my mother. I told her about something that was going to happen and she said, “There’s no way you can know that.” But then it happened, exactly what I said.

But that’s all it takes sometimes for us to dial back on our abilities. One comment from someone we love, who has been indoctrinated with fear. 3D has been the realm of misinformation and fear and the limited self, and we are now breaking free and moving into the glorious expansion available in our new world.

We can know all kinds of things. I have been shown, in advance, many specific things that have come to pass. You probably have too. And we’ve held the kernel of truth inside of us, a light that we knew would some day be blazing and bright. But if no one has taught us what to do with information we’ve received, it can be challenging. If we don’t understand what we are being shown, what we are seeing or sensing, we may not know what to do with it. I think many are going thru this very thing now. Make your intention: I expand at a comfortable pace into my knowing and power.

We are tapping into the universal consciousness, the unified field. We are reading the airwaves, so to speak. We’re receivers, just like our TVs and radios. We’re designed to be that way.

When my psychic abilities came back a little over 20 years ago, they came back with a bang. I was seeing all kinds of stuff that I didn’t really want to see, so I specifically asked to see only what I could use to help others. And that’s exactly what happened.

However, I have moved into readiness to see whatever is needed. We will all come to this place, and we can ask for that. But if you’re just reconnecting, you might want to take it slow and just ask to see and know what will assist you in your process. But of course you can ask for whatever you want to ask for.

As we begin to see/sense/know more, we connect with more of our power. And we will realize what we can do. And we can move from our 3D mindset of “this is what I heard/read/think is going to happen” to our 5D creator mode: “This is what I want to create.” And with some practice to make it a habit, that will become the way we operate.

On my recent bike ride, an eagle dropped out of a tree and flew right over me, straight ahead on the road, as if showing the way, an enormous harbinger. As I rode behind its distinctive white tail I felt a message. We move ahead without fear, into all that awaits. The door is open. The time is now.

We’re now living in these circles of golden light as we create and expand our new worlds.

The sun was out. It was almost 50°. The wind had calmed. Then a dark cloud appeared and it started sprinkling. I said, “No rain, please. I want to stay dry.” Moments later, the sun was shining brightly, and I was riding in full sun, with rain falling all around. It was so strange and so wonderful, all at once, to be in a protected circle of bright golden light.

It was a beautiful metaphor. We’re now living in these circles of golden light as we create and expand our new worlds. Where we go, this new light is with us.

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