We now have the opportunity, when we are able to hold the frequency, to be in New Earth and to experience it. And we are finding some amazing things. Every day we can ask to move into this frequency as we continue to release any old patterns that keep our frequency contained. It is our personal responsibility to do this. No one can do it for us. And when we observe our frequency going lower, we can address this. We can read or listen to something that inspires us, we can take a walk outside in a place where we can be in the natural world and enjoy its sights and sounds and smells and energy. The natural world is constantly creating on many levels, in many ways. It is never static. Find a place where you can align with this energy and experience it. How can you support it and share your love and appreciation for it?
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New Earth Stories
I want to share a story from a session I did with someone this week. She was asking about money, and when it might arrive, being in the same situation as many are now, without as many financial resources as they had before the situation created by the virus. She received some information about clearing a bit more old programming, and then a message came thru that she needed to call in the magic in her life. Sometimes she does, but other times she goes into worrying about things. The moment she got that message, she unconsciously took the edges of the sweater she was wearing with her hands, and suddenly pulled back the left side. On her T-shirt was the word Cash.
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We are in a COMPLETELY NEW energetic space. This happened just after the first of the year. This is a space unlike any we have seen before, and we’ve seen a lot in the last 10 to 20 years. I was connected with this new energy on the night of the 4th, when I noticed there was new stuff flying around my room after I turned off the lights. At first I asked it to leave because I didn’t recognize any of it, including the gold orb floating a few feet away. But it didn’t leave and so I said, who’s here? That’s how we learn, by asking.
Continue reading2021: The Year of Change
Happy New Year! Here we are moving into the traditional potential of new beginnings and fresh starts. We are also moving into the New Earth that we are creating all around us. We saw so much end in 2020, even on the last day of the year, and some of it may have been things in your own life that were surprising to you. But we continue to see things rising to the surface so that we can choose what we want to do and how we want to be.
Continue readingThe Time of the New Sun
This last week, there was an opportunity to see a rare conjunction in the sky as Jupiter and Saturn came close, at least from our perspective here on earth. This has not been visible in the night sky in about 800 years, and we won’t see it again for 60 more years.
It created what is called the Christmas star, as it happened close to Christmas, and it’s theorized this is what happened 2000 some years ago to create the star of Bethlehem. My sighting was after dark on the 23rd, when our skies finally cleared. How interesting to see this conjunction taking place now, with the return of Christ consciousness creating our new way of being at this time. We’re bringing love and healing and peace and harmony back into our lives, and we had a beautiful sight in the night sky to show us how real this is.
We Are the Light of the New World
Here we are at the Solstice, in the midst of much change. We’re seeing, we’re sensing, we’re feeling, and we’re witnessing how much is taking place to move us out of our old familiar world. We’re deep in the process that we have worked on for so long, and we’re now seeing results. We’re seeing the new take shape. The very slow pace is picking up, and some of this is going to be breathtaking.
Continue readingThe Pathway to the New Is Wide Open
We’ve had an energetic pathway leading to New Earth for quite some time, and that pathway has just opened to a full-blown road. This is a beautiful indication of where we are now. We are moving strongly ahead into the new, as we leave the old behind. You can probably feel this taking place within, all the releases and the “feeling done with” so many things. You can see it in the lack of understanding between you and others. It’s like you live in two different worlds, with very different concerns. And trying to communicate that is an enormous challenge. We can only do our best. I just saw a sweatshirt advertised online that said “I’M ONLY TALKING TO MY DOG TODAY.” I am sure there are times now you can relate to that.
Continue readingThe Stairway to Somewhere
I think I mentioned in a past post that as a teenager I repeatedly saw a stairway leading up into the sky. I even dreamed about it. When I went up the stairs they ended, and I always wondered at that time what this was about. Why was I seeing a stairway leading to nowhere? Well, now when I look at those same stairs. I am at the top and there is a a beautiful bridge into the new. I spend a lot of time across the bridge by choice, and lately I am finding I am just there in that new space. It’s peaceful, it’s fluid, and we are able to create effortlessly there. It is a conscious choice to be there, and you can experiment with that for yourself. What happens when you choose and allow yourself to be in that space? Once we have released enough of our density, we can access it. This is the New Earth we are creating.
Continue readingLeap of Faith
As we approach the Solstice I am feeling a deepening of the energy. It’s the deepest I’ve ever felt. We are connecting to the essence of who we are at our Source. I am also feeling an expansion. As we connect to this essence, we will move beyond who we have been and how we have been contained. Additionally, I am experiencing who we are beyond who we identify as: our roles, our jobs, our careers, our beliefs, our whole ball of wax. So these three things are happening all at once, the deepening, the expansion, the disconnection or release, carrying us to our new experience. We are flying high as we go into where we have never been, soaring over the sagas of the past, sailing past the certainty of everything we know. We are releasing in order to take our leap of faith.
Continue readingWhen Our Hearts Open
We are all watching for signs of change in the whole as it glides along to our New Earth. And this past week came such an interesting sign, in an email from a group that I volunteer for. This email from the director said she recently reached a very low point where she felt like she was drowning and she couldn’t get free. This is what the energy can make you feel like as it asks you to release the old. When the old earth is no longer energetically supported as our home, we have no choice but to leave and move into the new. That is what is being created globally, cosmically in this shift of ages that we are experiencing.
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