Between Worlds

We are in such an interesting space right now. We are hanging out in the burgeoning new frequencies of our New Earth and yet also interacting with and seeing the old earth. We’re experiencing very strong energies coming in daily now, often making us feel very tired and not very interactive. And we’re more than ready to be on with everything new. I can’t tell you how many 3D people have said to me, in recent days and weeks, that everything is very strange now. Yes, it is strange, because we are literally between worlds.

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Moving to the Next Level

As I sat down to see what the message was, some guidance poured thru. It was unexpected, and yet I have been feeling these pressures all week: pressures to change some longstanding commitments and ideas that no longer serve. For example, I was guided to step down from a committee, dealing with something that I care about, and this was very hard to do. The head of the committee even called to see if I was OK and I had to explain, as best as I could, that I was refocusing my energy to deal with these issues in a different way. Also, I was drawn to be more quiet and inward and solitary. Often we are not certain of why our guidance is what it is, we only find out when we follow it. In fact, we learn to follow it because of its bulls-eye accuracy. So 3 days after stepping down from a 3D commitment, here’s what came thru. And remember, we move into new territory when we release the way we have been.

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Being in the Energy of New Earth

This past week, my intuition guided me into an experience I want to share. Recently I heard someone say online that we are going to be meeting members of our soul tribe. And I thought, that would be nice, I wonder where? And then I expanded that idea: we are also going to be meeting people who know what we’re talking about.

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Rewriting the Nature of Existence for Humanity

Our New Earth is taking shape in a beautiful way. We continue to move into more of the newness and expansion that we are creating, and this is our new world forming around us. Every bit of clearing we do makes space for more light and more heart-based consciousness and leads us further into the new experience. We move beyond the old patterns. We begin to orchestrate what happens in our lives from the new consciousness. We receive unexpected blessings that come in like sun popping thru the clouds. And you will FEEL these inside of you as they enliven you even more. What we are creating is bringing us to life.

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Feeling Our Way

There is so much going on. The incoming energies are almost nonstop. We’re receiving codes, we’re embodying all the new light, and we’re noticing the increasing gap between us and the ones who are still hanging out in the old world. Many of us came here for what is taking place right now, and we can feel this growing commitment to the work we are doing. We have become focused, we’re holding the energy and not letting anything distract us. But we’re also connecting with those we know or with new people, in a new way, even if just for a short time. This happens as we hold the new space.

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Our Overactive Imagination

I was just watching Tarot by Janine’s recent video, where she mentions that as a kid her mother told her she had an overactive imagination. Oh my gosh, how many of us heard that? Like a million times. Then one day we find out, it’s not our imagination at all. No, it’s our ability to see! To know! To feel! To intuit!

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Feeling the Groundswell

When I first came into contact with the crystalline energy in 2010, I didn’t even really know what it was. I called it the Crystal Ray, and it was so powerful, so incredibly awesome, and so vastly different, that I wanted to learn more about it. It was obviously the next step on our path. A few weeks later I was guided to invite people to my house to share it with them. As I was getting ready for the first one of these gatherings one day, I had an electrical issue in the house. Since I was waiting for an electrician to come, I couldn’t go buy flowers, as I’d planned. I really wanted to have a vase of flowers on the table.

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Seeing the New Unfold

I had a fun, sweet moment this week. I was riding my bike with a neighbor and she mentioned that she likes to have fudge for Christmas. I told her I have not had fudge for years, but my mother used to make it. “I think I would like to have one small piece,” I added. And that was that. I forgot all about it. The next day I was on my bike again, and I encountered a couple from the neighborhood taking a plate of cookies to the woman across the street from them.“She’s not home,” I told them. “She went to her nephew’s house.” We chatted for a minute and then she pulled the plastic wrap back and asked, “Would you like a cookie?”

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Finding Your Path

I love to hear people’s stories of how they got to where they are. I’ve always been fascinated by the twists and turns and synchronicities that lead us to where we are going. In my own life I can look back and see the bread crumbs that were dropped that often didn’t make sense or seemed random at the time.

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