Sent on a Mission

In the grand scheme of things, what’s taking place now is just a blip. But for most of us, it seems like an endless process, because we’ve been at this for our whole lives. Quite literally, we’ve been working to shift the energy since we were young. As we grow in awareness we can see that. We were creating from the get-go.

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Choosing the New

We continue to experience this new frequency of being in the New Earth and the immediacy of it. We are seeing what we think about and what we want to create happen. We’re realizing that it is up to us to express what we want to create and not simply accept what is supposed to happen according to the old framework. The most important thing right now is for us to accept responsibility for our power—the power of our heart consciousness—and to use it to create every day. Each one of us needs to do this.

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Our New Feeling Intelligence

I have really enjoyed the way we are learning to feel our way thru things, that we are navigating now using our new heart-based feeling intelligence, which not only informs us but guides us as well.

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Holding Balance as Things Happen

It has been crazy since the Lion’s Gate on August 8. There is so much happening we can’t even keep up with it. And the energies are so strong, and they are impacting our pets as well. My cat is now feeling the big blasts. He becomes agitated, just like I do, in some of the energies, especially at night.

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Giving Back the Key

I had a telling dream this week. I was asked to give a key back to a couple I knew years ago. Now in my actual life I never had their key and I was puzzled about that in the dream. But I gave it back, this single silver house key, and the moment I did, two young children appeared and we began to play. The level of joy and happiness was incredible, and I woke up feeling wonderful. I wondered whose children they were.

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Moving into More Newness

We continue to move into our new spaces, as we separate from the old patterns and the 3D matrix. Here’s an example. I received a call from the power company Tuesday evening giving me information about my “power outage.” But I didn’t have one. A bit later, on my bike ride, I encountered a couple I know, who asked if my power was out. They had heard a small explosion an hour earlier and were told the power would be out for several hours. Workers from the power company were near their house making repairs.

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Feeling Our Way

There is so much going on. The incoming energies are almost nonstop. We’re receiving codes, we’re embodying all the new light, and we’re noticing the increasing gap between us and the ones who are still hanging out in the old world. Many of us came here for what is taking place right now, and we can feel this growing commitment to the work we are doing. We have become focused, we’re holding the energy and not letting anything distract us. But we’re also connecting with those we know or with new people, in a new way, even if just for a short time. This happens as we hold the new space.

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Timelines, Portals and Clarity

Juxtapositions are becoming very interesting of late. The way things are fitting together, like puzzle pieces, in ways we can’t explain and yet make perfect sense. This is happening now, all the time. It can be strange and make you ask, what just happened? And it can be surprising because it seems so random and yet perfect.

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Touching the Lightning

Once again, we shot forward. Sunday night when I went to bed, I found myself wide awake. And I kept laughing about everything I thought of. No matter what it was, it was funny. Even things that didn’t used to be, are now, because my perspective has changed. We’re becoming more and more lighthearted, less and less weighed down by the heaviness of the old. As it turns out, Sunday was the night of the total lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Lunar eclipses can reset things, and Scorpio is all about bringing in the new. And that is exactly what happened.

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We’re in the Ascension Flames

I just had a dream about feeling alone in this process. It was a long dream and I only remember the end. I was on a camping trip, it was evening, and I went past three women who were up on a hill singing. Their song was beautiful, and then one of them said, “I just feel like we’re all alone doing this.”

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