The Separating Worlds

This week, as the energies of evolution continue to swirl and build, I’ve been seeing just what different worlds we are each creating. I’ve been sharing in my posts how we are each creating our new worlds thru what we are thinking and dreaming into being. If we are creating from our heart, from the expansive space of love, we are going to find that these worlds are in alignment with our dreams. If we are creating from what we’re afraid will happen, we’re going to be bringing that in and our world will reflect back to us the very things we don’t want to have. If we haven’t done that all-important clearing work, clearing out the patterns of the old world that made us unhappy, then we are going to see more of that around us.

I saw an example this week with someone I know. I had talked with a person in the community who is working to make things better and I got a beautiful report from him. He shared with me the values he has, and how he wants to work for the good of the community. The next day someone I know talked to him, and she got a very different report. Hers was everything she’s afraid will happen, and she said, “see, it’s not changing.”

But, and here’s the important thing, the only way we change the outer world is to change our inner world. Then our inner world shows up all around us and becomes our new OUTER WORLD. This is why we are going to be seeing or hearing about different versions of our worlds now—our version, a neighbor’s version, a friend’s version, a stranger’s version. All of these will be true for the person who is experiencing them. Those of us who are creating and building and expanding the New Earth are seeing OUR versions of things coming into being. We are experiencing the New Earth now because it is already here. But for any who are unwilling to give up their fear, to push past their fear, to no longer allow fear to control them, they will be caught in those fear-based worlds. We have to finally stand up to the fear and realize it can no longer limit who we are.

Each and every person is required to come into alignment. Each must become sovereign. Each must say, I no longer agree to the old patterns and limitations. We each have to do this work. We each chose to move into our awesomeness and connect with the realm of potential, which allows us to dream whole new lives into being.

So we will be seeing these differences in our world as some of us create harmony and peace and unity, and others create more fear and chaos. But because the worlds have separated, we will each be impacted by our own creations. While we can see and hear about what others are creating from their perspectives, we will experience what we as our HIGHER EMBODIED SELVES are creating.

Just realize that every ounce of peace and harmony and balance that you create within you, will show up in your outer world as your own personal New Earth. And you can grow that New Earth by loving your Self and supporting your Self in a peaceful and harmonious way. Once you choose to live in a new way, it becomes possible.

We have finally learned to take care of ourselves and not let others intrude on that with their “well meaning” actions or their “less than” beliefs or their own lack of self-love. They can share their beliefs with us, but we now realize those beliefs are not ours and do not limit who we are. They can continue to limit themselves, but we are now learning about being unlimited. We’re learning about possibility and potential. With every passing day we grow more clear on not wanting to keep ourselves small. We know we no longer wish to accept the limitations that we were told were ours. As we move into our New Earth, we can choose a new way of being. And we can enjoy the harmonious, balanced world that shows up around us.

The worlds have separated, we are still seeing the old world fall apart, but we are also seeing our new world, and that’s where we have to focus our energy. Keep creating it, keep building it, keep expanding it. And keep inviting the people you care about to join you. We can all choose to have this experience, but we have to choose it and we have to each do the work. We’re holding this beautiful new space for all. We came here to do this, so it is awesome to see it taking shape. And it’s powerful to know that by simply embracing who we are, our truth, our sovereignty and our divinity, we are making it happen.

On my bike ride I saw a praying mantis on the road, right in my path, so I stopped and moved it to the nearby tall grasses. It’s the first one I’ve ever seen in 20 years of living in this area. So right away I thought of the praying mantis being who visited me one night in 2010. I had just gone to bed, when the ceiling of my room opened and she descended into my room, landing next to my bed. She was white/ultraviolet in color, and she telepathically told me she had everything that was needed for the New Earth. She was followed by a large Turtle Ship that was open on the underside. It too came down thru my open ceiling and into my room. When I looked in I could see a beautiful world just ready for people to live there—it was the New Earth, as real as could be. I was invited to go, but at the time I still had fear and I wasn’t ready. The minute I thought about not being ready, both the ship and the praying mantis being disappeared. As long as we still hold fear inside, we keep the new dream at a distance, just beyond our ability to access it. So to see this mantis in this area, where I’ve never seen them, was so unusual, plus her coloring was so light, not the usual green. She was showing me we’ve brought the vision in, we’re on the New Earth. (Today, as I was ready to post this, the praying mantis showed up on my back door.)

So eight years ago, the New Earth was still more of a dream or a vision, and now it’s real. It’s here. We’ve brought it in, for all who are ready to let go of the old world and live in a new way. To give up their agreement with fear (of limitation, of lack, of less than, of Love). To give up the unsatisfying ways that we lived in order to connect with Everything that is available for us now: Love, peace, harmony, unity, happiness and fun. It was a long time in the making, but we can access it now.

One thought on “The Separating Worlds

  1. According to Random House Dictionary of the English Language, mantis comes from a Greek work meaning “Prophet”.
    The other day I went to put up my car windows and there was a tan preying mantis at the window…I, too, had never seen one in this area (SW Washington). The beige color surprised me…i had only seen green ones, too.
    So good to hear your interpretation…I feel ‘more able’ to hold up my energy (a bit..)
    Ted Andrews in Animal Speak has an interpretation as well.

    “We can access it now.” Thank you…i needed the encouragement.

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