April’s Expansion

Things are moving and spinning and the evolutionary plan is happening as we move into April. You are probably feeling all this new energy, which is enlivening, joyous, happy and full of magic and potential. The sky has been clear and beautiful, the clouds fleecy, and even the birdsongs sound different. At the same time things feel out of whack right now on that borderline between old and new so you may be noticing this as you navigate your new world. There can be places where the old intrudes and it feels disharmonious and almost shocking in its insensitivity, its senselessness, its skewed values and its doublespeak.

How we create has shifted. With our basics in place we no longer have to create this over and over. We are simply living it. It can help, whenever you think of your New Earth, to breathe the energy a few times to anchor it inside you. We’ve definitely gone to a new level beyond where we were before.

Our hearts are being opened more than they ever were. We are seeing the extent to which we feel. We’re feeling how vulnerable we’ve become. And as this happens to more and more people they will see they have to begin to live differently, to make different choices. Some are still holding to the old rules, not realizing the power they have to make another choice, not realizing there are options, still staying stuck. We are experiencing extremes now and this is becoming too much to process and handle, so we know it will be changing soon. The old is releasing from our sphere.

An ant mound covered with busy ants.

This weekend, I had an experience that illustrates this so well. On my walk Saturday afternoon, I saw a man who works in my community, using gasoline to light a fire on the ground. When I asked what he was doing, he said, “getting rid of thatching ants,” because they had bitten him while he was cutting branches along the road. These ants build mounds that are alive with activity on a sunny day and when I moved to this area I was told not to stand near their mounds. But I enjoy watching their activity and lately I’ve been saying hello to them.

When he told me what he was doing, I was more impacted than I expected. I felt upset at the need to kill anything that is considered a nuisance. We build houses in wild areas and then complain about the creatures who also live there, from ants and squirrels to elk and deer. I walked home and considered what to do. I got the input of someone I trust. After awhile I decided to go talk to this man about other options. Maybe he could not cut branches near their mound. We talked for a few minutes in a respectful manner and he finally said he was told to get rid of the ants by some community members. He said, “the world has a lot of evil in it.” I said, “the new world many are creating is not like that.” He just looked at me, as if he didn’t know what to say. I’ve never talked to him about this or shared anything about what I do. But this is what I was shown would begin to happen a few years ago, that women would move into leadership, showing how to be in the new, and men would follow their lead, as we all learn how to relate to each other in new, more balanced ways.

Last night I did some energy work to assist with people being able to exist in a co-creative way with other living creatures. We don’t have all the answers and we can certainly ask for help. We can surrender and ask for a solution. Last night I didn’t have a solution, but I know we are moving in the direction of resolution.

Today I went for a bike ride and this man drove up in his truck and stopped. He said, “I want you to know that this morning I went down and put sugar by the ant mound.” He was emotional as he continued. “I apologized to those ants for taking some of them.”

“Are you serious?” I asked.

“Absolutely. I couldn’t sleep last night because I felt so bad. And I still feel guilty. And I’m sorry I upset you.”

It was completely unexpected. He had gone and talked to a mutual friend and told her he was very upset he had upset me and he hoped I wasn’t angry. I wasn’t. I felt vulnerable though, because my heart was so open regarding those ants. So open regarding everything. It can feel very new to have our heart be this open.

New Earth is a very new and different place.

New Earth is a very new and different place. We have worked long and hard to prepare to be new, clearing the old programming that kept us small and asked us to believe in things that didn’t make sense or feel right. Now we are seeing what we have created as the very start of it is anchored for us here. We are seeing the old ways give way, the old paradigms fall, new potentials arise. And all we have to do is hold the space. Keep our frequency as high as possible. Share who we are and what we believe. And share our vision.

The outcome of this experience was beyond what I expected. Yet this is what we will be experiencing in this expansion.

My first book.

A bit later I was taking a walk with a friend when we happened on a small U-Haul truck. As we walked past, the door opened and a woman asked me if I was Terry. I realized she was someone who had just bought a house in my neighborhood. We had met a few weeks prior when she stopped me on a walk to ask a question. She said, “I read your book! I couldn’t put it down. You wrote my story!” This was another surprising moment. I hadn’t told her about my book. She heard about it when she went to get coffee in a neighboring town. And we will have more of these as we continue to expand in the new. This woman told me she would be moved in in a month. “Right now,”she said, “I’m off to buy your second book!” (The two books are Dance of the Jaguar and Quetzalcoatl Dreams. I realize I haven’t yet posted the information about them on this site. I’ll do that soon.)

In this powerful time we are all transitioning. Keep believing in you and what you can create. Keep focusing on what you want to create. Be prepared to see the old begin to collapse, and continue to hold the energy of the New Earth as it gets created in so many ways. Ask for the magic to arrive. It’s percolating everywhere.

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