Expanding Our Hearts

I want to share a message that came thru this weekend: We are in the time now called the unfoldment. You have done the preparation, overcoming your fear to move past the challenges and roadblocks to create something vastly different, something beyond even your dreams, something so new and incredible not just for you but for everyone willing to open their heart and to cast off the old, false teachings of the time that is past. Continue reading

April’s Expansion

Things are moving and spinning and the evolutionary plan is happening as we move into April. You are probably feeling all this new energy, which is enlivening, joyous, happy and full of magic and potential. The sky has been clear and beautiful, the clouds fleecy, and even the birdsongs sound different. At the same time things feel out of whack right now on that borderline between old and new so you may be noticing this as you navigate your new world. There can be places where the old intrudes and it feels disharmonious and almost shocking in its insensitivity, its senselessness, its skewed values and its doublespeak. Continue reading