We’ve gone thru heart center and template upgrades in the last week in order to bring thru some big new energy to anchor more of the heart-based way of living on our New Earth. You may have noticed this as tiredness, fatigue, lightheadedness, odd pains in your body, pressure in your chest or upper back, heart flutters and palpitations, or just feeling more emotional. It’s taken us into a new space and while we all experience the energies differently, there are some commonalities. Even children and pets are being impacted and may need some extra TLC.
In the last couple months we’ve really felt the swirling pull of the old and the new as we’ve worked to stabilize our Selves in the new. To become so comfortable in it that we don’t let our Selves be pulled out of it. That we no longer agree to be small. That we no longer take part in the old games. That we no longer define our Selves by old rules. We are becoming our beautiful new Selves.
The powerful energy coming in is leading us to want to connect to people in real and meaningful ways. And as we are holding this energy, reaching out to connect, we may sense people pulling back from it because it is so new and uncomfortable for them. There is a wave of people pulling back, and another wave being washed forward, unsure what’s happening to them. And many people being triggered and knocked off balance by these powerful waves. And some just leaning in closer to learn what is taking place.
But perhaps the craziest things is how separate we are from what is happening in the old world. We can see it, people can tell us about it, but it’s not in our new world. I wrote last time about the ants that build mounds in my area, and I shared that story with someone I know in a neighboring town. The next time I went to town to meet a friend for tea, a woman came up to me and said, “I heard about the ants! That was amazing.”
Everything is changing. We are gaining by leaps and bounds now, establishing so much newness. This energy is coming in all over the planet and anchoring everywhere. And while there are many who believe this is completely whacko, those who can see are watching it happening. Many more people are becoming able to see and we are watching the evolution take place.
Because we are bringing in so much new, we may feel like we want to see more of this in our lives. Patience is challenging these days for sure. Many who have done this work for a long time and made big sacrifices because of it in terms of work and friends and basic vitality and energy are at the point of needing to see some relief and rewards.
What’s taking place is so big that we want to tell everyone. We want to just point at the obvious, and yet so many can’t see it or don’t want to. All the while we keep moving into higher timelines and acting as “normal” as we can around our 3D friends and acquaintances. I was invited to dinner on Friday night and the hostess explained that I bring my own special water to drink (I no longer do any form of alcohol, because our new brains can’t process it). So I was asked what my special water is: it’s well water from a friend’s property, which I add “sparkles” or bubbles to. Sparkling water. Then I was asked why I don’t drink tap water. That’s because I want to avoid the chlorine and fluoride and whatever else is added to it. Well water is living water, plus it tastes really good. So everybody at the dinner filled their wine glasses and I drank my bubbly well water. Did they think I was a little loopy? Who knows? But I am really enjoying the loopy high-frequency potent-creative-energy realms that are available to us now.

Friends are helping to move salamanders off the road in our area. This is the time of the year they cross the road to go to the lake.
What I am finding is the more I share my world, the more others join in. For instance, on my walks and bike rides I always move salamanders off the road. On my bike ride this evening, there were 11 of them. Some of the people I know have now joined in with this. They’re also moving them. I also just talked to someone about using a glass or a jar to move spiders and other little bugs from inside of her house to outside. Later she told me happily she had relocated her first spider. She sounded like a kid in show-and-tell at school. It was great to hear her excitement. We can all inspire people about honoring other sentient beings as important and valuable.
We continue to navigate this new land we are in, feeling our way, observing what is changing. We’re seeing that many of the things we used to have to intentionally do are now just part of the way things are. The creating that we do evolves our surroundings and our world and then it becomes a part of our world. And in this way we continue to expand the new. And as the new expands, the old gets smaller. Whatever we need is coming to us very easily now, just because we thought about it. And these are just simple thoughts, like things you would put on a grocery list. We think about something we need and within a very short time it shows up in one way or another. And often this feels magical. But this magical quality is becoming very normal, more of the “just the way it is” in the new.

One of our unstoppable, irrepressible, uncontainable, light-filled, love-infused, joyous crystalline consciousness beings.
Basically this is because we’ve already created what we want to have and we are now just moving into it. There may be bits of fear left but we are learning to not let this fear stop us. We keep moving forward into the new because we now see and know that we came to do this and everything is in motion, our cells, our Selves, the stars, the galactic shifts, the fabric of our very reality. We are embodying the power we were always meant to have. We embody it more and more each day until finally we are that power and there’s no being without it. It just is who we are and we become these unstoppable, irrepressible, uncontainable, light-filled, love-infused, joyous crystalline consciousness beings living happily and peacefully in our new worlds.
We’re already there, we just have to keep living it and embodying it and being it every day until it is who we are all the way thru. This land is our land now, all across the globe.
As I wrote this I heard a high-pitched ringing in my left ear, and the frequency moved into my heart center, amplifying the energy of my whole system and new template. This is being offered to us all at this moment. This new frequency of “ownership” or “settlement” in these frequencies is anchoring them here for all of us who are ready. They begin as energy and then take shape around us and we make them physical. This is part of the creative power that we now wield, the ability to physicalize thoughts. Continue to bring your physical body into these frequencies, as it clears out density of all forms that it was holding. Eventually our physical body is no longer dense, which enables us to move vast amounts of energy thru us. And in this way even more of the new takes shape. And remember that light-filled frequencies have less density, which is why we have had to clear so much density from ourselves and our environments.
The path we’re creating is like the tale of a comet. Look and you’ll see it. Follow it when you’re ready. Open your heart, breathe in the new, anchor yourself in all this new energy. Relax and release the old. And again. Open your heart, breathe in the new, anchor yourself in all this new energy. Relax and release the old. We are moving into the newness of who we are. And this is very new territory that we are all going to be exploring.
Thank you for this informative article. It explains so much to me. I have never felt better in my life — so light and free! I have “worked on myself” for over 40 years and it has been an interesting journey. Now I can feel what you are saying to just relax into this that IS. On with the new — out with the old. YES!!
Thanks for your comment. Forty years of work! That about sums up what we’ve been doing. I’m so glad to hear of yet another person working to create a new world. And just today, wow, this energy feels light and invigorating!