Leading with Our Hearts

In the last few days we have once again shifted timelines. You may notice this now as your behavior changes and you become aware of moving into a higher frequency where you know you can no longer agree to or tolerate certain things as you did in the past.

We are leading with our hearts. We have been learning to pay attention to what our hearts are telling us, because our hearts tell the truth about how we feel. Often in the past we have chosen to override this with our mind—our thoughts—ignoring our heart’s wisdom and guidance.

We’re leading with our hearts in this new time.

But these recent shifts have made it clear we are leading with our hearts. They are now talking loud and clear and showing us what we may have agreed to in the past that no longer will work. This means making changes, and every change is an honoring of our heart and our Self and why we are here at this important time.

Some of you are helping to hold the heart energy for the planet as we create the new experience. This is huge work, as is all the work star seeds and grid workers and light holders are doing. You may have wondered how ancient civilizations all over the globe had the same symbols cut into their stones. They were doing what we are doing now, receiving information and living their lives based on that. And while we may feel at times that we are working alone, we are all connected in the unified field, and each one of us is contributing in an important way to the whole.

We’re all taking part, even if we have few we can share with about what we’re doing. Don’t you just love that question when you run into someone you haven’t seen for a while: “So, what are you up to these days?” Let’s see, how do we put this often nebulous experience into words? Can we say we’re working on releasing our density and stepping out of linear time when they’ve been golfing in La Quinta?

You enter a time of peace and a world of your own making.

Once you have been awakened to what’s taking place and felt your heart begin to open to Love, that old world just loses its allure. An inner passion arises, a new driving force develops. You begin to hear the call, the incredibly beautiful and potent Song of Everything that awakens within you a desire for something true. You connect with your own mission, your own reason for being here, and begin to live it. Your evolution takes hold and slowly, sometimes quickly, everything changes. Everything rolls into something new, something magical, something harmonious. You enter a time of peace and a world of your own making. You connect with your power as a creator being and understand who you are in a new way.

We still have our moments of sadness or doubt or impatience or challenge, but overall we see how different our lives have become. We begin to see how effortless everything is, we ask for what we need and it comes to us in all kinds of surprising ways. We experience synchronicity as routine. What we think about appears.

In my world this past week, there’ve been moments of laughter, fun, connection, as well as encounters with a couple people who showed me they are still embracing the old patriarchal system. And it became clear there was no longer much in common, even tho both wanted to get together. In my heart, it felt like completion.

As a collective we are experiencing much upheaval, and this will continue into the summer and beyond as the old continues to come undone. Last night I could feel intense quiet and stillness, the establishment of the new. But other times I can feel the crumbling and the struggle. Thru all this, we continue to shift in higher frequencies and hold the higher awareness of what is taking place. We continue to create the New Earth.

You may notice the ways you do things are changing. We can drop our resistance to this, and we don’t have to figure it out. All we have to do is go with it and see where it takes us, where we’re taking us. There’s an infusion of new coming in, so needed after so much work.

I’m also feeling gentleness coming in. The gentleness is release from the warring and name calling that have been so prevalent.

Our old is disintegrating, our new is taking shape. There is much to be grateful for and happy about. Some are acting out in this disintegration but don’t get pulled in. They are seeing their own mirror. Each has their own experience during this time.

The tastes of freedom are amazing as we move thru this process.

As you transition into the new, you can feel separate, anxious, restless and unable to focus. You can feel parts of your life falling away. This is all to bring us into our new rejuvenated enlivened form, where we are freed from the patterns that held us for so long. These tastes of freedom are amazing as we move thru this process. I was awakened one recent night by intense shivering and had to get up and get another blanket. This can be part of the release. In the morning when I got up I felt very happy. I was in a new space. You will notice feeling done or complete with many things, meaning you know you never have to experience those again. The learning from that is over. And you may feel a need to clear more from your physical environment. As our frequency increases, we lose resonance with some of the things around us.

April was a challenging month where more old programs were flushed out. Now it feels like we’re discovering our shiny Selves after all the releasing and purging. We are moving into leading with our hearts. And while we may feel like we’re still drying our wings before we take flight, we inching ever closer to our truth and the divinity that lives within us.

2 thoughts on “Leading with Our Hearts

  1. You so beautifully articulate what I have been feeling and experiencing these past couple months. What a magnificent time to be on the planet.

    • Thank you. The changes can be so subtle, as you know, and it’s often in writing about them, putting experiences into words, that they can be seen. It helps to show the progress. Thanks for reading and commenting! Glad to hear you are also feeling and experiencing these things.

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