Still around us is the old reality that we all grew up in. Also around is the new reality we are creating, each of us individually and together. We’re each creating our new world, but together we’re creating a compendium of all those, which is the nuts and bolts of our new reality. Funny, I wrote nuts and bolts because that’s a term we used in 3D. Immediately I heard it’s less “solid” than that. On this tangential course, we’re bringing spirit into matter. We’re rewriting our DNA. We’re reworking our own internal structure in order to create a new external world all around us. It becomes solid as we create it.
We are in a chaotic time right now as we move thru these gateways into the new. We are all being given the choice to move into peace. Each has to give up the war within. Each has to stop fighting or disagreeing or finding fault with another, as each person is on their own unique journey and we do not know the details of that. We can only know our own. When we choose peace, everything becomes peaceful in our world. We will still hear about non-peaceful activities and events and people, but this will be hearsay. Our direct experience with it is fading. In our direct experience, we are in our new worlds, and these new worlds are reflecting back to us everything we’ve worked so long and diligently to create.
As we ascend and embody, we move into spaces that are magical and beautiful, and others around us cannot see what we are experiencing, even tho we wish they could. This past week, moving thru the Lion’s Gate, has been especially unusual, with many interesting and beautiful things happening that we can’t even explain to others. It’s like intricate puzzles are being designed and put together as we move thru our day. And we’re noticing how thinking about what we want to create or what makes us happy is what takes place.

Each of us is matching our rhythm to the whole and fitting into a new pattern that we’re listening to from deep within.
There was another drumming circle this week in the park, and I wasn’t going to go, but I felt like a force lifted me and carried me there. There were about 30 people, some local, some from other places. I’m a beginner at drumming, but this time I noticed that after a while, the rhythm took over and I introduced my own rhythm into that and it fit and sounded good. I thought, that’s what we’re doing, each of us, matching our rhythm to the whole and fitting into a new pattern that we’re listening to from deep within. We’re finding our voice to express who we are, within the unified field. It felt very natural. There was no effort. It arose out of what was taking place.
We are still encountering those who are living their 3D lives. A few days ago, I met friends for coffee. When I went in, the owner told me the espresso machine was broken. She said, “I think I broke it.” What? How, I asked. She had looked at it a couple of days earlier and thought, “I bet it’s going to break.” And two days later, it did. “I probably shouldn’t have done that,” she said, telling me a new one was on order.
So… how long till we change the way that we think? What if we look at the machine that is the foundation of our business and say, “thank you, I appreciate your hard work so much.” How do we eradicate the negative ways that have been nearly epidemic in our lives?

We thank the trees for their beauty, we thank our whole natural environment for the gifts and wonder that it brings.
The amazing thing to me was that the owner made a connection between her thoughts and what happened. That’s the first step. The next step is to try a new approach. And gratitude is a beautiful practice. It’s a way to create a new way of thinking. Begin to give thanks for everything in your life, whenever you think about it. Appreciate your toaster next time you make a piece of toast. Appreciate your car when you drive it. Appreciate the flowers in your garden and let them know how much happiness they bring you. Appreciate the trees on your walk. Have a conversation with them. Thank you for your shade. Thank you for your beauty. That you for creating a home for all the birds and squirrels. Thank you for holding this space, so that we can all grown and flourish together in this new time. Our appreciation is a prayer, it’s the new light emerging from us. It’s our divinity expressing our new pattern and creating the unified field. It’s our personal drumbeat, emerging from the new codes within us that are carrying us into the new ways of being.
And then continue. Appreciate your friends and let them know why they’re important to you. Just a comment here or there. Thank you for being you. Especially now, when so many are going thru so many challenges as we shift into our new time. Everyone enjoys a heartfelt comment about what they bring to someone else’s experience. And then appreciate yourself. Out loud. Thank you for everything you do. You’re such a special being. You make me so happy… Over and over so that you can really feel it and absorb it and know it.
Eventually we notice how much gratitude we feel for everything. The gratitude thoughts take over and become our new pattern and we have fewer of the negative thoughts. So put up a post-it note where you’ll see it, tie a string around your wrist, whatever will help you to remember your new practice.
So back to bringing spirit into matter. We’re here now, at the point where this is possible. We do it from our heart center, from our new thoughts of creating our new lives. We do it from our power, as soon as we learn how to use our power. We do it for the good of all, because what we are creating benefits everyone. So continue on, wayshowers and world creators. Work your magic. Share your appreciation. Spread the Love. We’re bringing more of the new in every day. Believe it, know it, act on it. We’re doing this together.
i always say ‘thank you so much’ to my washer and dryer after doing a load…and i say ‘good morning’ and then ‘thank you’ to my car upon leaving and arriving home…i talk to my veg garden each time i walk into it and thank it for the gifts as i walk out…i hug myself many times a day, especially if i’m feeling downtrodden or alone….i thank my flowers for being SO Beautiful and fragrant! And in doing this, i find i giggle a bit….! I find I do it ‘naturally’, and thank you, Terry, for your post because now I will do ‘it’ more…with everything………
Very nice. Thank you for sharing! I love this.
I feel what you are saying is really happening. Lately, when i take my walk in the woods, a feeling of gratefulness wells up in me to overflowing, for the trees and mother earth and for my new life (we moved cross country 10 months ago). I love our new home, new neighbors, new life. I hear myself think or say this almost everyday. I hear so much of what is wrong with the world, yet when i open my eyes that is not what i see. Thank you for acknowledging the part we play in creating peace right here and now where we are.
Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s validating to know that others are also having this happen. The choice is ours, really, as to what we pay attention to and what we give our energy to. We get to choose what we want to support. That’s one of the ways we use our power.