If you sit outside on the ground, you may be able to feel your frequency synching up with the frequency of the Earth.
We are creating our new worlds in many ways, on many levels. I mentioned I’ve been riding my bike, and there were a couple places on the roads in my neighborhood that had gravel scattered on them. Yesterday I took my broom and swept the gravel to the side of the road, and on my next ride, I thoroughly enjoyed not having to go around the gravel, thru the gravel, over the gravel. We can each clean the areas where we live for ourselves and for the planet. I was talking about that this morning with a friend, who is currently traveling in an RV with her family. She said the online RV groups she is a part of say this very thing: leave the space you camp in better than you found it. Thus we can work on the physical level as well as the energetic level. And in the process, we honor the Earth and everything she provides for us. We are becoming more aware than ever of our relationship with the Earth, and if you sit outside on the ground, you may be able to feel your frequency synching up with the frequency of the Earth. Those of us doing this work are consciously connecting with the New Earth, and it’s amazing to feel the new frequency. If you want to connect, make it your intention. Then see what you experience. Take off your shoes and feel with your feet. Or sit on the ground. This New Earth feels distinctly different.
Someone just asked me, do you love your country? I said, I love the planet. She said, no, do you love your country? I said, I can’t answer the question you’re asking because I no longer think that way. Exasperated, she turned to someone else and said, do you love your country? Because she couldn’t think beyond the track she was caught in. Many of us have been able to move beyond these old tracks that seek to divide. We’re thinking about the whole, not one part. We want everyone to experience peace and harmony and the unified field, not just a few. But we can’t make anyone else have that experience. It has to be something they choose. And each person will choose. As one person I know says when I share some of my new beliefs, “I don’t believe any of that.” That is a choice. And our choices are honored.
A couple people I know are going thru nervous system upgrades now, where you feel like you can’t sit still. So if this is happening to you, it does pass. I experienced it earlier in the summer for a month or two, and during that time I had to cut out chocolate and decaf coffee. At times it was more pronounced, and I was glad when this process completed. As we enter September, it feels like we are far more acclimated to the energies now than ever in this process. (For me, it’s been very physical since 2006, with all kinds of physical body happenings and evolution.) Because of the physical changes we have moved thru and because of the clearing we’ve done on our interior emotional makeup, our new Selves are quite different. We’re more neutral overall, less willing to engage with old energies. We’re noticing when people stuck in the old energies don’t know how to interact or engage with us. This is why we always want to make sure we are listening to and meeting our needs and not leaving those needs to anyone else. And when we are interacting with those who are stuck, we can remind ourselves, we aren’t responsible for them. They are on their own journey of discovery, whatever that is. If we pay attention to what we need on our journey, it is happier and more satisfying. And we can contribute more to the whole in the ways we are being called to do that.
We are now moving into rejuvenation, and that means we can finally actually DO physical exercise and enjoy it. I’ve been riding my bike several miles each day and it feels wonderful. When you haven’t been able to do much for several years, the chance to get out and move feels awesome. Many of us were laid low by this whole process, and we could barely do the basics of what was needed each day, like shopping for food and laundry. Switching to the crystalline format was a super intense process. Many of us have had days where we didn’t know if we would survive it. So rejuvenation is a breath of fresh air in our new landscape.
For all those waking up now, the pathways are in place, and the process will be faster.
Last night there was another drum circle, this time indoors. In the fall and winter, it’s held indoors. We drum for an hour. Some people bring their own drums, some people use one of the the array of drums that are provided. About 20 minutes into it, I saw the overlay of New Earth again, the Turtle Ship that descended to encompass everyone in New Earth. Not long after that we played a very dynamic piece. How this circle works is, one person starts with a rhythm and then all the rest join in. Everyone was harmonizing and adding their own sounds, and the leader signaled us to go louder. It was amazing. Everyone there was invigorated and impressed by what we had done, together, as a unified group.
Afterwards, driving home, I saw the unified field. Lines of light were connecting everyone to everyone else, and to the cosmos. It was very much like the picture of the sunlight streaming from the sun that I posted last week. It was the first time I had seen the sun do what it did that day. But now that we embody the sun and the light with our new crystalline formats, we also stream this light. To see the unified field was awesome. I wish I could have taken a photo or a video of it but I was driving and it was so new to me that all I could do was take it in. But just picture filaments of light carrying your energy signature going from you out to each person, and then coming back at the same time, with theirs. All this information, in the light, uniting us as co-creators of a whole New Earth and a new way of being. Picture all these sparkly filaments, it was like the night sky only even more impressive. It was us, each of us a star, each of us shining our beauty, our light, our unlimited potential, our magnificence, our unsung divinity.
We are now in the unified field, the field is in place. It is our time to let go of what isn’t working and make something new. We can do it, we are doing it. We have leapt across a chasm. And we are no longer letting anything small hold us back, because this is our new world. It is time to let our divinity show.