Someone I know, not on this path yet, just made a breaking news announcement to me. “I have noticed something strange,” she said, furrowing her brow. “What I think about is happening. Right after I think about it. I wonder why.”
This is exactly what we have known would happen, at some point. The work we have been doing, some of us for so long we barely remember our old lives, to create this evolution for all, is now having a measurable impact. It’s happening. As this year comes to a close, the shift is taking place. It’s becoming obvious. The people who are not doing this work, who don’t know what’s taking place and have not been open to hearing about it, are evolving. These are the ones who have dragged their feet and been the most stuck. The ones we thought might never get there. The ones we almost gave up on. They are noticing that something is up. And even if they don’t know what it is, they are noticing that something is definitely taking place. And it’s different. And here’s the other breaking news: it’s about to change their worlds.
This is big. This is really big. This is jumping-up-and-down-worthy. What’s really wonderful is that not only is this person experiencing it, but she is aware that she is experiencing it. And she actually asked about it.
Yes, we create by thinking. Once we are connected to our power and our creative ability, we picture what we want in order to bring it in. We’re all learning how to do this. And of course, we don’t want to be creating in a negative way, and this is what has been brought to this woman’s attention: she is creating problems for herself. And she has now seen this for herself. And noticed it.
Once we notice how powerful our thoughts are, we clean up our thinking. We cancel our negative thoughts as soon as we notice them and replace them with what we want to create from our heart consciousness. And of course, our full power is not restored to us until we are willing to create harmony, peace, balance and love. But our power is coming online, so those who are still creating in a negative way will be shown that they are doing this. Part of becoming a sovereign being is realizing you are responsible for what you are creating.
We’re shifting all the time now. Not that many years ago we’d have a shift and then a couple weeks later, another one. Now they’re steady, one after the other.

But as those who resisted the most release their resistance, we will move ahead even faster. We’ll be flying by leaps and bounds into the new.
Maybe you can feel the energy of this. It was strong on the 13th. The openings, the movement, the shifting, the surrender. We can feel this in the collective now. It’s the ground shifting under their feet as all the unity awareness seeps in. The light we are holding now, the light we are emitting, is impacting everyone around us. Our light, our divinely infused consciousness, is radiating out in everything we do. Our new Selves are walking tall. We’re no longer afraid to be who we are and show who we are. We are no longer hiding out in our caves like we did in years past. The more we embody our sovereignty and power and authenticity, the more it shows, as divine light emitting from our new templates.
The tiny movements of those now starting to wake up mean that we leap ahead. Every movement into freedom creates more freedom for everyone, and we will really notice this.
A funny thing just happened. After lunch I wanted a piece of chocolate, but as it turned out I didn’t have any. I said, I want one piece. Then I went to replace a votive candle I had burned. The new ones are in the pantry and as I opened the door, there on the floor was one small wrapped chocolate that had fallen out of a bag I dropped a few days ago. It wasn’t there earlier when I swept the floor. It was just what I asked for.

One last thing: the divisive energies are very strong now, trying to create as much division as possible in the face of the arriving unity. When you notice divisiveness, don’t agree to it. It’s trying to keep us apart as we begin to come together.

And we are coming together, rising up now as the momentum of this shift builds and connecting with others who have released the old matrix. In this beautiful season of light, we’re coming together, more powerfully than has ever happened before, to show what is possible as we create this new way of being.
The Solstice is this Saturday, December 21, at 8:19 pm. Wishing you much light in your heart and in your being.
Yes I believe love is winning out, not division. Two days ago there was an outpouring of love in a previously strained relationship. We had a long deep hug and she called me the next morning to say she felt so full of energy this morning when she woke up and how she hadn’t wanted our hug to end. And I actually heard someone on the news say that even though he doesn’t agree with Trump, he sends him love . The divisiveness may be louder, but it’s not stronger than love. Thank you for your message. ❤
Thanks for sharing this experience. Yes, love is expanding quickly and we’re seeing it happen. And more and more people are experiencing it.