New Earth is showing up in many ways in the past week. You may be noticing what’s happening around you. I wanted to share some things from my world.
In the old world, many times things were win-lose, where one person’s win meant another person’s loss. Even our games reflect this: If you win, I lose. If I win, you lose. If it’s a tie, instead of declaring that a win-win, usually there’s a “tiebreaker” to determine the winner. But it’s important to remember that in the new energy, we can create win-win situations, and we don’t have to know how they will happen. All we have to do is intend for them to happen. And let ourselves be surprised how it works out.

A friend who has worked very diligently to create new scenarios for herself just shared what happened to her. She lost her job due to the pandemic, and was unemployed for several months. Recently, she was hired by a new company to do the same work she was doing, which she enjoys. And she can work from home currently as so many are doing. So she’s been working for a month, and her assistant, it turns out, was quite problematic in many ways. It was making more work for her and a coworker, but because she was so new she was trying to make the best of it. But this past week she realized it wasn’t going to work, and she talked to her boss. Her boss understood the issue and said they would have to let this person go. “We just need a few days,” she said.
In the meantime, my friend recommended someone she knew to be her assistant, and the company interviewed her and said they would hire her. So my friend was concerned about the woman who was being let go. She wanted her to be OK, and to have a job that was better suited for her. She was worried how all this would work out, but then she pictured the outcome she wanted: that her very capable colleague would be hired and the woman who was being let go would find another more suitable position that would match her skills.
The next day the woman who was being let go called her and said, “Don’t be upset with me, but I have another job. I’m going back to the company I used to work for, and I’m so happy. I would be happy to train the new person who gets hired to replace me.” My friend was so surprised and so pleased. This woman never found out she was being let go, because she was offered another job and she told this company she was going to take it. Talk about a wonderful win-win. Everyone ended up feeling good. This is what happens with the new energy. We each create situations that make us happy, that empower us to do well, that support us in what we are doing as we evolve.
My friend created this by picturing a good outcome. She pictured a win-win situation for everyone. This is what we can do now and it’s great to put this into practice. Think about how you can create win-win situations around you. Imagine how our world would look if everyone was doing this. When you face challenges, ask for a win-win and allow the magic to move in.
Generally when something happens, we jump in with what we don’t like about it. But we can do something new: picture that we want a win-win situation and see what happens. This is completely possible in the new energy. It’s up to us to engage with it.

Another couple shared with me they are becoming vegetarian. As the energy becomes lighter, more people will make this choice. We choose to leave the heaviness behind, in all its forms, including food. This will happen very naturally. What I’m finding is that eating a lot of fresh fruit or drinking fresh juices or fruit smoothies that we’ve made contributes in a very positive way to our lightness of being and overall health. We begin to lose our interest in and taste for unhealthier, denser foods. They literally no longer taste good.
We are in such a powerful time, this time of separation from what was. What you may notice is that as you separate from the old world, it will no longer have the same meaning for you. You can interact with it without being involved with all of the hoopla and shenanigans. You will see people acting out their programming but it won’t impact you, because you will only be interacting long enough to get what you need, whatever essentials are still required, thru your clarity, your intention and your ability to create using your divinely infused power.
When we move into our power, we begin to create in a new way. We say what we need in a clear neutral way and this is guidance for our new worlds. We plant seeds by expressing our ideas and then we allow them to take shape. We see our creations happening. It’s important to observe and you will find yourself observing what is taking place in the old world instead of getting involved in it. And from your position of observing, you can say what you need in order to create change. We begin doing this in our own world, and when many are doing this we will see even more change.
For all who’ve moved into the new, it’s a very different experience. We may be noticing the general disconnection and the lack of interest in what is happening in the old world. We may be feeling the new light circulating within our new system. We’ve definitely moved into our new Selves, and this new Self is our new guidance. We still have an antenna self that interacts with the old world, but less and less is required there. We are seeing our new truth, our new power, and our new ability to create. Practice using your new skills and abilities as we become ever more established in our New Earth. It’s so exciting as we feel this new flow of energy build within us.