3D and 5D are operating in tandem and we are seeing and experiencing them both. As our frequency increases thru the work we are doing and the energies coming to the planet, we are able to experience more 5D and less 3D. But it’s a process, and it requires patience, and we’re all in a slightly different space.
Setting our intention and creating from our heart space/our new consciousness impacts what is taking place in a definite way. I had another experience with this, and each time I am surprised and reminded of how this is working. I got into my car one day this week and saw on the dash that one of my tires was low. So I drove to the tire place to get it checked. It can be very busy there, so on my way I said, I want this to take 10 minutes. Surprisingly, there was no one else there. I was the only customer, and my tire repair was quickly done. And on top of that, the place had been remodeled and the parking lot lines freshly painted. The place literally shimmered. I was just there a month ago getting air in the tires, so that was surprising too, that everything looked brand new and spotlessly clean, like it had ascended into a new space as well.

What I am seeing now is many levels of frequency, each maintained by the ones who have that business or space. We’re each dreaming our dream. The higher frequencies being maintained are available to us thru our frequency, whatever we have evolved to and embodied. We are creating those experiences, and we are able to choose them. I am watching the flow pull many in, even if it’s just for a taste. Everyone is being brought to the choice point so that as many as possible can move into the higher spaces. All can have a different experience, depending on what they are believing and intending.
One thing you may be noticing is timelines shifting. This often shows in a couple of ways. Something you put somewhere is not there for a few hours, then shows up again. Or someone tells you something and the next day tells you the same thing with different facts. I’m having the second one happen often. There’s no need to mention this to the person, because it is the timelines. Or something that you know happened already, happens again. We just flow with it all. We’re going to have many issues, and the important thing is to stay centered and present. Everything is moving and shifting into the new. Continue to be in that space of creating and observing. If what you wanted to create doesn’t work out, notice what shows up in its place What are the blessings? We want to be appreciative and supportive of all that is happening, and realize that we need to check in with our own knowing about what is going on, and not be thrown out of whack by news reports or other people’s actions or words. Generally when we tune into our own knowing, we get confirmation from somewhere else.
You may also notice if you need something, it shows up quickly. If you need to find a particular document, as I just had to do, you find it in a couple of minutes. Everything is happening fast, because we are experiencing an increase in frequency.
What we are creating is taking shape in a beautiful way, a way that supports harmony and balance and peace and love and co-creation. We are seeing all of this show up in our new worlds now. And yes, a lot of us are feeling wiped out from this mammoth undertaking, but thankfully there are days where we have energy flowing to get things done.
Ask for what you want, even if it seems wild and improbable. These are our dreams. I remember one day 3 years ago when I said, I want to see wild horses. And a solitary white horse raced across the dune, free as the wind, in front of my window. When I ran out to take a photo, its person had shown up to retrieve it and told me he got away when they were on the beach. “He likes to run,” he told me. But I dreamed him into being, too. Together we dreamed freedom. Together we made a new experience. For that moment, we were on the New Earth. That’s how it happens. We grow it and expand it until we are in it, always.

Maintain your focus and your frequency. Stay in the creational realms. As the old world falls apart, then comes even more opportunity to create. Spread the light around you. Share the happiness. Know in your heart and your soul this is why you are here, for this moment right now, as we—together—bring this New Earth into being. You never know when and where you will see it but it’s here. It’s at the tire shop, it’s at the grocery store, it’s at the farmer’s market. It’s inside you. It’s wherever you are creating it. Thank you for everything you are contributing.
Just have to share this. Yesterday I was in a store here in Michigan that is similar to a Walmart. I was with my daughter and her two kids. As we were taking in all rhe numerous isles of merchandise in every direction, my four year old grandson exclaims with surprise, ” Everything is so beautiful!” My daughter and I laughed as my daughter said, “I was just thinking how disgusting it all is!” And then later that morning at the Farmers market my grandson was thirsty and as we were looking for water he said “water is precious!”
I responded by saying,” Yes, water is very precious.”
If only we could all see with the eyes of a 4 year old!
Melinda, so true. If we could all see with the eyes of a child. And children do see so much now about how things are. Thanks for sharing this.