This is the longest process ever, as every time we emerge into newness and level up with our physical being, we soon feel more heaviness and more that needs to be released. You may have noticed this especially over the past weekend with the full moon. Just as the night sky was lit with this brilliance, so too were we, as the light slipped into our own shadows. What came up for you?
Some of us felt incredibly wiped out, barely able to do anything, and yet we are familiar with this now, and we make our way thru even that. The path pulls us into more of what awaits: the bounteous light, the ever-expanding possibility, the serendipitous magic. Our New Earth is alive in a way we have never known. We are entering that realm now and staying in it for as long as we can. It requires giving up thinking. We can’t think our way there. We have to feel our way. If something makes us feel bad, we have to correct our path and head into the light. We keep our hearts focused on the light. The light is the way, and the ever-growing light within us is drawn to more light.
A message just came in on Wednesday night: We are breaking free. We are breaking free from all the old systems put in place to attempt to limit who we are. For a long time we were not aware of the breadth and scope of these systems, tho we could feel their heaviness. We knew something was up. And now we are being shown what’s up as everything surfaces slowly but steadily into the light. This is happening despite the efforts to stop it. It’s all surfacing. It’s all changing. It’s all evolving. The new light is encompassing everything.
What we need to know is written in the light, which is read with our heart. Even if we are not able to decipher all this, our heart knows. And we are being guided by our heart, by our higher aspects, by the Truth. We can use our power, expressed thru our energy and our intention, to create magical new experiences in our New Earth. We are discovering what is possible as we embody our divinity and align with the crystalline consciousness. We are receiving messages that take us past our doubt and into the new.

We are changing in so many ways. Some of these changes are slow, some are fast. Our voices are changing as we release our old patterns. Our signatures are changing. As someone just told me, hers has become very bold. Mine has changed too, so much so that I wondered if my mail-in ballot would be rejected in the last election. I tried to write my signature like I did in the past, but I no longer can. The latest changes are freeing our voice, which means that we are now speaking more of our truth and knowing, and in fact it is rushing out like water from a dam that has given way. Our voices are returning, coming into their own. And when we speak, the power is felt energetically by those hearing us. All of this is happening thru energy, thru light, thru the new consciousness, thru Love.
We continue to relax and surrender into the new as it arises around us. We’re creating it, moving into it, embodying it and sharing it. This gorgeous New Earth that we are just getting a taste of is so encompassing, so expansive and so incredible. We’re dreaming it in, but it is beyond our dreams in scope. That’s the beauty of it: it is bigger and more incredible than we can imagine.
Now more than ever is the time to put your own voice into what you are creating. Write it, speak it, sing it, even for yourself. And especially for your Self. Use your power to dream and create.
Your message feels like a stream of energy moving through my body spreading light to every cell . It is ALIV E ! And that is what happens to our voice when we share this Light that we are moving in. It becomes more alive and bold and powerful. Because that’s who we truly are!. Thank you for being this Light.
Thank YOU for being this light, too. The journey is even more amazing as we connect with others who are having similar experiences and seeing and feeling what is taking place.