We’re being strongly impacted by these intense waves of energy now, which are coming in with essentially no breaks as we close out the year. It’s the ending of an old way and the beginning of a new way and we’re being made new for this, in order to live in this new time. The upgrades, overrides and restructuring that is taking place can be extremely challenging to say the least. Symptoms and side effects can include dizziness, wooziness, heartburn, aches and pains that come and go, loss of appetite or heightened appetite, And lately, a fuzzy head that can make it hard to focus.
Yesterday I had a few things to take care of in the 3D world, and I just operated totally intuitively. I flowed with what needed to happen and it all came together beautifully, more perfectly than I could have created if I had been trying to juggle all the balls that were in the air. I had to run to the store to get something before the garage door repairman came at 11. I got home at 10:40 and he called and said he was running ahead of schedule, could he come now? He did the repair of installing a new logic board (the old one was fried by a power outage) and said everything works. The old me would have double-checked it all, the new me said, thank you, that’s great. He said, if you have any issues call us. I said, will do. Later I put my car back in the garage and sure enough, the opener on the wall worked like a charm.

We are learning to trust and stay out of the way. The day before, I helped an elderly neighbor who got locked out of her house and had low blood sugar. She was confused. It was a cold, rainy day, so I took charge of calling the locksmith, who came right away. It took him 2 hours to get into her house and she kept asking, what’s taking him so long? Then she would get her little key that was for something else and try it on the front door. The locksmith finally removed the doorknob from the garage service door and made a new key, which opened the front door. Then she wanted to double-check the new key, which he had just used. I said, Let’s get you inside and settled and you can have some juice. It was interesting to see how programmed she was to try to control something that she couldn’t control. We were all conditioned like that, and it just makes everything more challenging.
We are learning to trust. We are learning that we don’t have to do it all. We can accept help. We can let professionals do what they know how to do. We can focus on refining and fine-tuning our new powers. This is a process that involves learning what’s possible, and not constantly overriding what’s possible because of our deeply held doubt. Doubt is no longer serving us. Remind yourself of this as often as necessary.
Doubt is the biggest underminer of all.
Doubt is what is standing between us and where we are headed, what we are creating using our divinely inspired power and knowing.
The origin of the word doubt means having to choose between two things. Is that not where we are right at this moment? The original word contained the meaning of fear as well, because fear can herd us like sheep if we allow it. At what point are we willing to stand as sovereign beings and say, we know who we are, we know what we can do, and we are doing it.
Instead of constantly asking, what if? What if it doesn’t work, what if it’s not true, what if it doesn’t happen?
Where are you in this process?
Do you believe you are a sovereign being? Do you believe you have power beyond what you were taught when you were young? Are you open to what is possible? Are you situated within the center of your glorious being?
I was shown how powerful we are in my early 20s, and it scared me so much I couldn’t even think about it for many years. But gradually I opened to the idea. I said, I am ready to experience my power and learn how to use it.
Yet I had no idea how to access it or activate it. It’s been a process of just being open and asking to be shown. We can all do this. Every single one of us. And remember, our power is not power over, it is power with. Power with creation to create a new way and to become who we came here to be. The time is now. We have to stop whining and whinging. We are creators, not passive victims of an oppressive system of seriously outdated beliefs.
We are the force, we are the flow, we are the way of the new. It is all written inside us and all we have to do is open to it and trust it. One step at a time. And with each step, stop going back into the old territory. Be your new Self.
Trust who you are, trust why you are here. Know you are an amazing being of light. You were designed for this. Your whole body, your whole being, was designed for this new experience, and all you have to do is let go of everything trying to convince you otherwise. Challenge the doubt. Send it packing. It is not your friend. Learn to trust your intuitive ability and your heart. These are constantly communicating with you and letting you know what’s taking place.

Allow your awesomeness to emerge. Allow your magnificence to show. Become an example. Become the beacon of light to illuminate the path for all the ones who are awakening right now.
This is why we are here: to create the new space, to hold the new space, and to make it possible for a host of our fellow beings to join us in this new space. We are what this is all about. We are unstoppable, and it is only a matter of time now. The new is emerging everywhere.
Release your doubt. Share your holiness. Stop holding back. Let freedom ring. Embrace the newness with every bit of who you are.
I reached out to my cousin to request a conversation about trust or the lack of it showed up in our family. This conversation occurred yesterday. Today you post this message. Wow.
If I am willing to trust, to trace the skein of trust or lack of it in my family’s story, I can generate new conversations to create trust. Nice.
Lianne, that’s beautiful. Thanks for sharing this. The orchestration and perfection of this new energy is incredible. We’re in the unified field and discovering our new Selves and what we are capable of.