Recently I’ve been getting the message that many are releasing the pain body now. This is a 3D felt sense that is experienced as pain. It has developed from trying to connect with and then internalizing a world that we have not been aligned with frequency-wise. When stored in the body these out-of-frequency energies create misalignment.
I used to have a lot of pain, most of it stemming from an incident where someone bumped my car from behind at a stop sign. My head was turned and the bump was enough to create whiplash. I was left with not only neck pain but daily headaches. I had every kind of treatment I could find. Nothing helped completely. A medical doctor finally said to me (in all seriousness), “The pain is in your head. You’re imagining it.”
The pain was real, but I finally began to work on myself and what I believed about who I was. That became my focus thru many workshops and training sessions to learn about energy. And one day, the pain disappeared. It was miraculous, because pain is wearing. When you have chronic pain, it becomes hard to function. Your focus is on relief from the pain.
What I am noticing now is, if any pain does show up, I don’t agree to take it in or on. I simply say I don’t agree to having it in my body. The pains in the last several years have all been fleeting. Nothing sticks. It’s very transitory. Once I feel it and express my intention, it’s gone. This is all about moving out of the darkness into the light.

So those who have not yet released the pain body may find themselves going thru this at this time. The pain body is showing itself in order to be released now. This is not to make light of any situation where someone is dealing with pain. The pain is real. But what is different is, we are able to release the experience of pain. We can choose to no longer be caught in an out-of-frequency, out-of-alignment relationship with our world.
When we align with who we are now, who we have become, when we embrace our powers, challenge our doubt and decide we are going to trust our ability to make something new, then our experience becomes one of self-empowerment and expansion.
We learned to relate to life in 3D thru pain. 3D life experiences, with their disappointment, heartbreak, failure, striving, control issues and all the rest, accumulate within us. What we have to change is our relationship to all of that. We change how we view it. It no longer owns or determines who we are. We move into our power and neutrality. We move beyond being controlled by what has happened to us in the past. We have learned to make boundaries, to move into our sovereignty, and to use our creative power. We have connected with our shiny 5D Self, an incredibly expanded, heart-centered, hyper-aware being who has embodied the new consciousness and is consciously holding that space for others to move into. In this process of discovery, we put on the cloak of cosmic Christ consciousness. This is all about energy and frequency. We are vibrating way way WAY beyond where we used to be.
When we change our relationship with the old world, it no longer holds sway over us. We move beyond it, we move into freedom to determine how we feel and what we do. This is part of becoming sovereign, it is part of moving into our power. It is part of ascending as we embody these enormous light blasts streaming in.
We change the relationship we have with our old self and the old world by no longer agreeing to what was “required.” For instance, we may have learned to be nice. We are not required to be nice, we can simply learn to say what is true, for us. We can treat ourselves, and everyone else, with respect, and still be clear about our boundaries. Actually, the more we evolve, the less we have to say or need to say. We align with the new energy and simply flow with it. We are Douglas firs in the strong wind: dancing but holding our ground.
The more we embrace and embody these aspects, the more our world changes and evolves into a new experience. Because our energy is more refined, we attract new experiences. We begin to travel on the lit-up high-frequency highway of the new realm. Life becomes simpler and happier.

It’s a process, one that each undertakes. We each have experiences to help us expand and grow. And we each choose to grow beyond where we were, over and over again.
We grow into who we came here to be, who is ever so more awesome than we can imagine. So just continue to allow yourself to expand into all that cosmic potential. Allow yourself to be wholly you. Move into your holy New Self. Claim your freedom from the past. Be the One you know you are, the aligned, alive, integrated, intuitive, illuminated, absolutely unstoppable, completely unflappable creator/resident of New Earth.
You are no longer overwhelmed by what is taking place out there, but only by Love, as you surrender into it. The realization is dawning on us that this Love is really what it is all about. This is us, coming home into our Heaven on Earth.
Everything you share here feels so true. Thank you . Yes, it’s choosing to grow beyond what we once were. This is where the power and glory abide!. ❤
Yes, and that’s where we are! We are breaking thru in so many ways into all the newness. I just had another breakthrough today and to see it is so wonderful.