Monday was stormy so I decided to take my bike in for a tuneup and new brakes. I called the shop and found out the owner, who does repairs, would not be in till 3. I decided to drop off my bike at noon, when the rain let up, and on my way I sent a telepathic message to him because I had a couple of questions: Feel free to stop by so I can talk to you about my bike. When I wheeled my bike in thru the door, his wife said, “You’re in luck, he just stopped in for 5 minutes.” It was so nice that his higher self got my message and steered him my way.
That’s how things work in our new world, and it’s so much fun to be creating this. And we move into this new empowered space as we release our old patterns of limitation. It can take time to do that, but don’t be discouraged. Just keep at it. Each release creates more freedom, and all the freedom creates more space for us to use our power. This is the process of ascension. We continue to embody all the light that is coming in now to assist us, and everything we do to clear helps us to ascend even higher.

We are entering our new lightness of being.
In the spaciousness of this lightness, we find peace and harmony and we access our innate divine power. We’re separating from the challenging chaos and distraction and misappropriation of the old world. Once we do, we no longer want it coming into our space. It is up to each person to manage their creation and to take responsibility for it. You will begin to notice who is doing this and who isn’t.
Some still want to drop their unhappy creations in our space when they feel challenged or overwhelmed or unhappy or put out. You will really notice this now. It’s like having someone drop off a bag of garbage in your living room. Wait, no. That goes in the garbage can. We definitely no longer want this to happen and now it is clearly visible.
We were supposed to have a big windstorm last Monday night. High-wind warnings were in place, saying prepare for 60 mph winds. I pushed the storm up and over me because I don’t like the big house-rattling gusts. As it turned out, the winds were probably no more than 20 mph, and I slept well. But a couple of days later, a friend who lives two blocks from me and to the north, said the winds were very high at her house and kept her awake all night. Another friend, who lives two blocks east, said “thanks for getting rid of the wind.” I’m never sure how big of an area gets cleared.
Something really interesting happened this week. On Monday, I felt very strong, like I was 40. I haven’t felt that way in years, because in 2006 when I finished my first book, Dance of the Jaguar, I had a major physical energy crash from all the other-world light and info I brought in to create that story. Literally, the minute it was done, my energy was depleted and it’s taken years to bring it back. Anchoring and embodying all this new light also makes us tired because of how much change our physical bodies are going thru as we evolve into crystalline consciousness. Monday, there was a feeling of being refreshed and renewed. An inner physical strength resurfaced and I could feel muscles I didn’t know I had. And on Friday, while I was out doing errands, I suddenly felt like I was in my 20s. My whole being was functioning in a beautiful way. We are being rejuvenated as our physical body begins to catch up to our light body. Talk about potential.
This morning our power was out for a few hours due to an electrical pole fire. I was writing this post as well as a meditation. I decided to record the meditation, even though the power was scheduled to come back on around that time. I thought, there may be some background noise when it comes on. But I went ahead, and right as I was saying, Feel the power, the power came on and you can hear a beep. But the fact that it came back on right when I said Feel the power shows the impeccable timing and the sense of humor of the universe. Any chance and they will use it.

One last note: I’m seeing sylph clouds appear any time chem trails show up in the sky. Within a few minutes, they’ve restored the beautiful blue. I love their lightness of being too.
Oh, one more thing. Last night, another powerful wave came in. Maybe you felt it. This one has integrated quickly. We’re making progress.