In my early 20s I had an intense vision, where I was shown an event occurring later that day. It was upsetting, so I pushed it out of my mind and went ahead with my plans. Several hours later, I found myself in that exact vision as it unfolded around me, down to the smallest detail. And there was seemingly nothing I could do. I felt completely powerless. I was an unwilling participant in what felt like a movie and the details seemed set in stone.
But then, I noticed I was not only experiencing it, but WATCHING it unfold from a higher vantage point outside my physical self. So I was going thru it, and also watching it take place. I was my seemingly powerless 3D self, and I was a neutral higher aspect. And as the vision neared completion, my 3D self said, silently, I am not agreeing to this.
BOOM. Suddenly, I was shown a power I never knew I had, a power to change the reality I was experiencing. And using this incredible force that rose up within me, I did just that. I physically pulled myself out of the timeline of the vision. When it was over, I remember feeling back to my 3D self, wondering what had just happened, and trying to make sense of it. It was miraculous, but I was unable to take in the immensity of what I had done. It took some time to comprehend that. But something within me had changed in that moment, and I realize now all I had to do was evolve into it.
During that experience, there were some beings there with me, also watching, who were there to show me something important. I was definitely not alone. They were the ones who helped awaken the power within me.
It took several years to unpack that experience, and each time I revisit it, I am shown more about it. I’m returning to it now because this is the space we are in now, all these years later. We are in the process of integrating—or have already integrated—that higher aspect, our true self, the self that came here to be a part of our transcendent transformation and transition to a new way of life. And this gives us a perspective from a higher vantage point, from the unified field of consciousness, from the new crystalline consciousness. We can experience, and we can also create, and the more we comprehend this divine aspect of our power, and the more we practice it and embody it, the better we become at it. It is who we are in this new version we are now inhabiting.

It’s important now to remove our focus from what we don’t want, so that we don’t spend time and energy not wanting something, which can just help to keep it going. Instead, continue to focus on what we do want. Much is happening as things come apart in the old world, and we who are doing this work are needed to ensure the stability and expansion of the new. Allow your power to create anew to rise up from within. As all these crazy strong energies continue coming in, we’re making it happen.
And follow your guidance, as we are being divinely guided right now in our transition. Even this morning, I was guided to do something I didn’t want to do because I felt some apprehension about it, but the moment I did it, I was shown that my apprehension was unnecessary because we are in a very new space. What I had to do turned out to be easier than I thought it would be, and when it was done, I moved into an expansion of my own power. This is happening now for all of us. All we have to do is move into the space we are creating, all of us, together, as we join forces in the heart consciousness.
An awesome experience, Terry! It seems what triggered your ability to change your reality was your 3D self not agreeing to what was happening, and a higher version of yourself then acting on that certitude and getting you out of that timeline. Is that how you see it?
When we perceive ourselves as “powerless” in any situation, we accept a situation without question. So maybe we need to identify ourselves as spirit first, get in touch with our inner guidance and choose our experience… regardless of what is happening on the 3D level.
Glad we’re in a new space …. thanks for the inspiration!
Yes, that’s how it happened. My 3D self did not agree and a higher version helped me to see that I could change it. It wasn’t just making a different choice, it was changing what I had been shown was already the outcome. That’s what took so much force, at that time. But we’ve evolved so much that we can now create changes almost effortlessly. It is good to be in this new space, and our evolution continues.
As the saying goes, “You may not get what you want, but you’ll always get what you need”. So, if we replace the word “Want” with the word “Need” we are being more specific in our offering. If we had the power to see the unseen, we would witness our energetic field being bombarded with all kinds of frequencies fields zapping us, coming from every direction. The best and most recommended way to combat the bombardment is to continuously repeat, “I do not consent” because if you don’t, your silence is acceptance to them. They call it tacit consent.
Thank you for offering this piece. It’s like a reminder of the intuitive power we all possess, but are not tuning into because of the box with the flashing lights dancing in front of so many creating a distraction. Turn the dial to off, or better yet pull the plug…..then just sit quietly and listen!!!
You know what’s strange, Terry–I find myself now barely able to read much of the channelings that just a few weeks ago I found very interesting, mostly off the Era of Light site. I don’t know if it’s connected to this channeled info linked below but I feel somehow it is:
That one struck me like hardly any other that I’ve read in the last long while. I don’t know if I’m one of those people described there but something about it hit me hard.
Now, I feel like I’m sort of ice skating over the daily channelings. My life is not that great, in fact I have a bunch of problems, but I don’t seem to care that much. I feel both tired and resigned to how things are unfolding. I care and don’t care. I’m sad at all the suffering, mine and all others’, but I can let go of attachment to the sadness. I want to believe it’s “all happening” but don’t know if I really do.
Thanks for being here.
Thanks for sharing this. We are all doing different work, and I think it can take time to know what all we’re doing, especially when we’re following what we’re guided to do. I’m guided to share what we’re experiencing in this new realm, and to share things that inspire. That’s what they tell me and I’ve learned to go with what I hear. But some days are hard, and today was one. I know others are also feeling the tiredness that can seem unrelenting, the heaviness or what’s around us, and how long this is taking. But it’s the progress I see that keeps me moving into it. I hope you’re seeing that too. And it feels like we’re getting so close to something amazing that will really be helpful for us all. Thanks for everything that you’re doing. It’s important. Oh, and I’m not reading much anymore either. I think we’ve moved past most of it.