This Very Strong March Energy

I woke up one recent day with such a happy feeling inside. I felt like a kid again, ready to jump up and start my day. Flooding in were memories of childhood when I was happy and connected to my family. I saw the love in a new way.

After I got up, I could feel the war between the light and the dark, which is creating so much turmoil now. Many many of us are holding the light, and the light is growing by the day. But still the struggle can be felt as we see the completion of the old.

We’re creating a love-based world, and this heart cloud floating by is part of the magic.

We’ve moved to an even higher frequency in recent days, with this very strong March energy that continues to flow in, which means it’s been extra challenging to navigate our worlds and to interact with some of the people around us. You might notice it’s harder to find commonality with those who are holding onto the old ways or engaging deeply with the struggle. And sometimes because of our frequency we trigger people around us without meaning to. The old world is grasping and thrashing as there’s nothing to support it now. We’ve had some challenging days with this in the last week or two because of how much we’ve shifted. And our recent shifts show how close we are to something very new.

As well, even those of us who have been doing this work for some time are being shown the pieces we have that we won’t be taking with us, and they’re being pried off. Such a journey we are on into newness, into this whole new love-based world we are creating. We have an opportunity to live in a completely new way, and the signs are everywhere. Right now, right at this moment, is our preparation to live in an entirely new way. The light that is flooding in is changing us so quickly now, preparing our systems to shift. And I know we are all more than ready for this.

We’re seeing the new colors and the new light.

While we’re seeing the struggle all around, we’re also seeing the new light, the beautiful new light that is cascading in, rewriting who we are. We’re seeing it psychically and even with our eyes at times. We’re seeing the colors and geometry. Sometimes I briefly see whole crystalline fields. Other times there are just glimpses out of the corner of our eyes. We’re seeing the absolute beauty of what we’re creating, and we’re seeing the old broken systems floundering and failing.

I mentioned in one post that we are being launched, and this launch involves us beginning to act in new ways, from our power and knowing and ability to create. In the past we looked for signs—indicators we were headed in the right direction. Now we are creating. We’re feeling inside what we want our worlds to looks like, and we’re pointing our Selves in that direction.

As I’ve said, this is about trust. We don’t have all the answers. But we have the knowing of wanting to make a different world, a world that works for us and supports us, a world we can thrive in and feel good about. We all want to be in a world where we don’t have to struggle, a world that is supportive of all.

I stopped at the grocery store midweek for a few more vegetables. The scene there was more chaotic than usual. People with big carts blocking the way, new rules implemented due to shoplifters. Lots of empty shelves with signs that read “temporarily out of stock.” This is part of the turbulence we are feeling now. I was able to go thru the “15 items or less” lane and a woman came up behind me with her cart overflowing. The cashier looked at her and she asked, “Is this too much?” He said, “Uh, yes.” As she backed out, he told me, “Some days are challenging.” What struck me was her cart was full of junk food and he was like a gatekeeper letting the woman know we can’t take all the junk we have with us. It’s time to travel lighter.

Each one of us has to travel lighter now as we head into the new. We’re clearing whatever doesn’t support us or contribute to our well-being. We’re eating more light-filled food. We’re clearing our emotional landscape so that we feel lighter.

A heart appeared when I poured my celery juice.

In my last post I mentioned that I’m drinking celery juice every morning, as recommended by the Medical Medium. It’s part of the program to support and cleanse your liver and clear your body of everything it’s accumulated that it doesn’t need. He suggests that if you don’t grow your own food, that you spend a few minutes talking to it and sharing your love and appreciation so that it can know who you are. I did that with the celery, made my juice, poured it, and there was a heart in the juice! The celery was sharing love back. There is so much magic in the world. It’s everywhere now.

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