Claiming Our Authority

This past week, we’ve been experiencing our movement out of the old world. We have been seeing the new pulling away from the old. And interactions this past week with the old world have been challenging. That coupled with the fatigue and sleepiness has made it a not very productive week for some of us. We are embodying big-time all of this New Earth creational energy because…

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Our Overactive Imagination

I was just watching Tarot by Janine’s recent video, where she mentions that as a kid her mother told her she had an overactive imagination. Oh my gosh, how many of us heard that? Like a million times. Then one day we find out, it’s not our imagination at all. No, it’s our ability to see! To know! To feel! To intuit!

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Moving into New Alignments

I had a very interesting and unexpected experience this week. I was finishing my bike ride about 7:30 pm when I noticed the people at a vacation rental near me had let their two poodles out of the car without leashes. I knew what would happen, and the dogs came happily running out to chase me, barking as they ran. I stopped and used the technique I learned from the Dog Whisperer, firmly putting my hand out to show stop and making a quick sound, cht. They stopped in their tracks.

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Lightness of Being

Monday was stormy so I decided to take my bike in for a tuneup and new brakes. I called the shop and found out the owner, who does repairs, would not be in till 3. I decided to drop off my bike at noon, when the rain let up, and on my way I sent a telepathic message to him because I had a couple of questions: Feel free to stop by so I can talk to you about my bike. When I wheeled my bike in thru the door, his wife said, “You’re in luck, he just stopped in for 5 minutes.” It was so nice that his higher self got my message and steered him my way.

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Creational Alignment

In the last week we’ve had some important changes that have moved us into a new experience. For me, it began with a middle-of-the-night vision where I was shown how we are creating the New Earth. We are bringing it in thru our heart consciousness. As we align with heart consciousness, the crystalline/Christ consciousness, and begin using the purity of this to create, we become able to bring in the New Earth. Again, this happens once we are in alignment with heart consciousness thru our own heart center. We give birth to the New Earth thru our own love, thru the power of our divine creativity. We have to move out of our heads, out of all the ideas that we have allowed to limit us. And then it happens. It happens because we are powerful.

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I was listening online to someone describing how to manifest, and after describing her first experience, which was a beautiful example of really wanting something she had never had and receiving it, she went on to make rules, and the first one was to be very specific. I’ve found that when we ask it’s important to allow room for the magic to enter, and then open ourselves to receiving that magic coming into our life. So we ask for something, leaving space for even more to arrive, possibilities we might not yet be able to imagine.

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Anything Is Possible

As we continue to move into theses new energies we are going to have some things happen that our rational mind may have trouble grasping. When such things do transpire, the best practice is to not overly analyze them, but instead realize we are in new territory, where anything is possible. We are creating our new world, and we are seeing our creations come into being. And this world we are creating is one of healing, beauty, co-creation, sovereignty, intention and love. We are in an interactive process with this now, creating as we go.

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Feeling the Groundswell

When I first came into contact with the crystalline energy in 2010, I didn’t even really know what it was. I called it the Crystal Ray, and it was so powerful, so incredibly awesome, and so vastly different, that I wanted to learn more about it. It was obviously the next step on our path. A few weeks later I was guided to invite people to my house to share it with them. As I was getting ready for the first one of these gatherings one day, I had an electrical issue in the house. Since I was waiting for an electrician to come, I couldn’t go buy flowers, as I’d planned. I really wanted to have a vase of flowers on the table.

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The Immensity of Our Divine Feminine Power

Those of us who came here to do this have been fighting for quite a while in various ways to change from the old to the new. Thursday morning came a message from my team that we are done fighting. Now we are simply creating, using the awesome immensity of the Divine Feminine that has presented, that we are embodying as part of who we now are.

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Releasing the Pain Body

Recently I’ve been getting the message that many are releasing the pain body now. This is a 3D felt sense that is experienced as pain. It has developed from trying to connect with and then internalizing a world that we have not been aligned with frequency-wise. When stored in the body these out-of-frequency energies create misalignment.

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