The Arrival of Expansion

Well, get ready. We’re being moved into some spaces we’ve never experienced. My dreams have been so unusual, taking me into these new expanded spaces of heart and psyche. There is a softening of all our defenses. In fact, you will not feel your defenses at all as you begin to create relationships at a new level of trust and openness. These are our new heart-centered selves coming on board. They are so new, so astonishingly beautiful, you will barely believe it.

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Creating Community on New Earth

During a session with someone this past week, some information came thru that I want to share with all who are interested in creating community on New Earth. This person had questions about how to create new scenarios in her own community, a small tourist town that has become very busy with tourism in recent years. So this information came thru with specific help for her town, but I saw that there was much that could be helpful to all of us involved in this work. We can use our own power plus ask for assistance from the higher realms to create for the highest good for all. This is not about just our own interests, it is about creating the new scenarios that we are all moving into. We are creating harmony, balance, peace, awareness, respect, support and caring. Our new communities are heart-based. While the focus of the past hundreds of years has been on making money, now we shift to crystalline consciousness and co-creative endeavors.

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The Magic and Mystery

We continue moving into the magic and mystery of the new that we are creating, each of us, for our Selves and for the whole. This is our time to shine, and we shine by holding the beautiful spaces of harmony and peace that we are creating. We hold these spaces with our wholeness, with our whole being, and we no longer let any lesser frequency come into our space. We interact without internalizing. You will know when you have reached this wholeness because you will feel it, and feel how new it is.

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Our Cosmic Powers

I had a New Earth experience today that surprised me. A few days ago, I got out my checkbook to balance it when my statement arrived, but then I went for a bike ride first. I thought, I better tuck it away while I’m gone instead of leaving it on the table. So I considered for a moment the best place to hide it. Fast forward a few days. Yesterday, I realized my checkbook was missing. I had never done the balancing, and I couldn’t find the checkbook or the statement. I had a perfect memory of everything except the hiding spot. I spent the next half hour looking in every place that seemed like a possible hideaway and found nothing.

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We are in some instability now as we reach this stage of the process. This is why we have been working to create stability, so that as we move thru this transition into the newness, into what we are establishing, we can do so with as little disruption and upheaval as possible. We are now seeing the unfoldments take place with all. We have known this was coming and one of the most important things we can do now is hold the space, our space, the space of New Earth that we have created. It is important to hold this with all our being, with the power of our new Self, the Self that is infused with the crystalline light to become whole. This is who we are now, and this is the Self we are sharing with the world. And specifically, this is the Self we are sharing with our communities.

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Psychic Expansion in the Crystalline Realm

Thursday night after I went to bed, I heard a sound—like something breaking—and then suddenly I was in a psychic experience of my house being broken apart in a very dramatic way. But I couldn’t make sense of it. Within seconds I realized I had to pull myself out of that experience, and I did, with great force. And then all was well.

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Recipe for New Earth

Last time I mentioned the healing/creation rays that are now available as part of our new reality. I said they looked like lines of light, each a different color, one on top of the other, glowing colors, like a rainbow, but aligned horizontally. And many more colors. A couple days after the post came out, I received an email with a photo. A reader said that after she read the post, she saw this horizontal rainbow from her porch. She’s never seen one before. So I include her photo here. It’s powerful when we receive validation in our lives for what we are doing and experiencing.

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For the last few days I am feeling a release from what was. We have worked hard to clear our past and to open pathways into the new, and we have held this new energy with all the power of our being. It feels like we are now being released from the role of holding these pathways open. In other words, we can now move into the new and allow others to make their way when they are ready. The pathway is there, it is illuminated. It may take them an hour or a week or a year, but we are moving ahead. We now move into the construction of our new spaces and worlds. We have consciously waited and held the space for those who are headed this way, but they are now going to be doing this work on their own. We have to move into making the new space where we live. We are having this experience now, and you may be noticing this in your own comings and goings and what is taking place around you.

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In the Midst of the Old and the New

We continue to have increasing separation between the old and the new, all while we are still interacting with both. We can have occasional problems with creating, and sometimes if our creation doesn’t work we have to take a step back and then return a bit later. We are creating, and we are allowing. We are working with all these extremely powerful and benevolent energies, as well as the still resistant energies of the old.

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Following Guidance

We are all guided. From the beginning of our time on earth we are guided in one way or another, and at some point we become aware of the guidance and begin to follow it. It is fascinating to hear the stories of how people have been guided into what they are doing. My guidance has always moved me into something, to learn about it, and then I am guided to move beyond that to the next thing. This has been happening for years, and I have learned to trust it. Even when I enjoy doing something, like healing work, I will receive guidance to move on. A little more than 20 years ago I learned Reiki, and I was practicing that with wonderful results. Then I was guided to learn another form of healing, and then I was guided to use my own healing skills. Everything keeps adding to everything I’ve learned as I continue expanding. Years ago I also began reading tarot cards, and then I was guided to create my own deck and to use that. I had many amazing experiences with my deck, as did the people I worked with. And I used that deck myself for my own personal development and growth.

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