This week we had three days of very heavy energy, the kind of energy that you can barely function in, and then with the full moon on Friday, it released. In fact, that morning I woke up happy and the happiness lasted all day, that wonderful not-for-any-reason happiness that infuses us now when we are in the New Earth.
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Expanding and Contracting
We’re going thru expansion. We are expanding, contracting, expanding some more, contracting a little. But we never contract back to where we were. So even in those uncomfortable moments when we do contract, we want to remember the expansion is occurring. Relax, rest, take care of your Self. And enjoy all the progress we have made, even tho we are not yet all the way there.
Continue readingBeing the Catalyst
We came here to do something SPECIFIC, something GRAND, something HUGE. This was beyond our understanding years ago, but now we are seeing it. We are here to embody an entirely NEW way of BEING. We are embodying it, anchoring it and sharing it with all. And our presence around others helps them to come into the new, by the very power of our frequency. Our frequency is a catalyst, the catalyst, the reminder to those we come into contact with that they are also here for something grand, not thru our words, but thru the frequency we are holding and emitting. We have literally battled our way thru the trenches to get here, facing challenges, facing our own doubt and the doubt of others, being misunderstood and even isolated because of our mission. All that is changing now, finally, as we become the catalyst.
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Freedom. That’s what we’re moving into, and you may feel yourself wanting that more than ever now. We always believed we had it, but we are seeing the tests now. Where does it hold, where does it give, what does it mean? This is happening because we are about to access freedom on a whole new level. We’re expanding the concept and the process. And thus the subject of freedom is showing up in many ways now. This is central to our evolution into the new consciousness. And remember, we are creating real freedom now.
Continue readingThe New Earthkeepers
Many are finding this current experience challenging, and it is. There are challenges on many levels, even when you rise above the intense fear that has been triggered globally. However, there are interesting and unusual things happening as well. For whatever reason, it is often the challenging times that move us into the new, only because we as humans have learned to struggle so much with change.
Continue readingSeparation of the Worlds
We continue on in the midst of this very odd experience we are currently having that is happening on many levels. At the level of the old world, the 3D experience, we’ve been asked to stay home except for trips to the store for groceries. Some neighbors of mine went to a grocery store 50 miles away yesterday just for a change of scenery and something to do and they said they thoroughly enjoyed their outing. Think back a couple of months. Going to the store was an errand to get a few groceries. Now it’s an outing, a chance to do something besides stay home. There’s something in the air that feels like a throwback to times past, people enjoying simple things and wanting connection with others.
Continue readingCreating the New Earth
There is darkness being revealed around us now on the planet and we will each see some of this. This is part of releasing the darkness we ourselves have held within, from growing up in our world. What we are doing is releasing the agreement we had to host this darkness both within and on the planet, and as we each do that, as sovereign beings, the darkness around us releases. To assist with this, you can say, I agree to release the darkness I have held within to facilitate my own personal ascension and the release of darkness on the planet, in order to create the New Earth.
Continue readingThis Evolutionary Event
We are in this time of challenge, a time that we knew would come, a time of awakening and opening to our new Selves and creating our new world. We knew there would be upheaval and change, yet we did not know exactly how that would look. But we have felt it coming for some time, like the rumbling of a storm in the distance. Now we are in this unusual experience and as we watch it unfold, we still don’t know how it will all shake out and how this evolutionary event will look. Just like with a storm, we’ve taken shelter. We’re asking questions, we’re looking for answers. Major struggles for control are taking place, blame is being cast and truth is appearing. It feels like a planetary purge, a release of so much that was held in the shadows, and there is so much we still don’t know.
Continue readingWhen We Move into Freedom
So much is happening now, on so many levels. And that’s what’s key, and this is so important. We want to choose the level we’re experiencing. We want to create an experience that is not fear-based. We want to choose one that is heart-centered. We can say, I choose an experience that is based in Love. I choose to connect to my highest aspects, in order to experience the New Earth. I am creating my experiences by choosing to love myself and listen to my guidance. I am witnessing myself become a new heart-centered being.
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