Since September got underway we’ve been moving more quickly thru gateways into higher-frequency spaces. So you may be noticing a couple of things. First, the old has separated even more, and second, we are feeling better and better as the rejuvenation continues. We’re feeling a new level of happiness that permeates our being. We begin to see that our own thinking has kept us down, and these patterns continue to release. The habit to think in a negative way has been incredibly limiting, and as we notice it and release it from our own way of being, we can observe it in those around us who are still actively participating in the old dynamics. Negativity is one of the biggies being cleared now. That and alcohol. Alcohol as a substance that is abused is being cleared as well. But don’t worry, the energy cocktails we’re receiving are way stronger and more supportive.
As we have adapted to our new crystalline template, we’ve experienced a reset of our operating system, which has led to a new vibrancy as well as happiness and a lighter feeling. This is the establishment of our heaven, our new world, and we’re feeling the realness of this. There’s a new confidence in our actions and a knowing we have completed the 3D phase of our ascension: the long slog we’ve had thru the mud. We can put our boots away.
For the first segment of our lives we were in a world that we never felt we were a part of, and as we began waking up, that world made less and less sense to us. We’ve now stepped out of it. It’s there, but we’re no longer engaging. We’ve put up boundaries, and you may notice how your boundaries are working to prevent engagement. There’s no need for you to step over those boundaries and pick up any old stuff. Whenever you’re ready to be done is when you’re done.
A new couple just moved into the neighborhood. He told me his wife is quitting her job in a few months and wants to be a writer. He said it’s “kismic” that he met me. Kismic. What a great word! I know he meant kismet, but kismic is lovely for our new world.
Kismic sounds like kismet with some seasonings of cosmic and magic. And that’s so descriptive of where we are—waking up to our destiny and marching it into a whole new way of being. As creators, we’re full of this powerful new potential that is just waiting to be expressed and wanting to be materialized. Can you feel it? This is the biggest thing we’ve ever experienced in this lifetime.

We’re creating a peaceful, harmonious New Earth where we all live in respect and in balance with others, including plants and animals and bugs and trees.
Each one of us is a creator. And as we recognize our sovereignty, we begin to create in a new way that we’ve never done before on earth. We are creating from our open heart, from our new mind, from our balanced perspective. We’re creating a peaceful, harmonious New Earth where we all live in respect and in balance with others, including plants and animals and bugs and trees. We are all equal. We all have rights. We are all intelligent. We are all sentient. We all experience the universal energy of Love.
We’re expanding minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, as our new bodies hold more and more light. You may notice how tall it makes you feel. Ears are still ringing, some wayshowers and lightholders are experiencing headaches, some are having digestive issues. But overall, physical sensations are diminishing. This is another indicator of how far we’ve come.
Last night I was looking at my coffee table, which I got in the late 1980s. When I saw it in a store I had to have it. That’s unusual for me, but I drove it home and was unloading it when my neighbor came out to help. He said, “I want you to take this back. We can make this table in a couple hours for way less than you paid.” He made a quick sketch and a few measurements, then went to the lumberyard while I returned the table. Just like he said, a couple hours later the table was done, except for staining, which I did the next day. We had exactly replicated it.
I was drawn to this table because of the diamond pattern cut into the wood. I’d never been drawn to this pattern before, but in this case it was a potent pull. And as I looked at the table last night and saw those diamonds, it struck me that this is the powerful energy that has been impacting us, the diamond light, the crystalline consciousness, the energy waking us up to create the New Earth. And obviously some part of me knew that then. We’ve always known, but it’s taken us a while to get here.
That’s just more of the “kismic” quality of this journey. Destiny, magic, cosmic energy, all mixed into one potent energy cocktail, delivered daily to our thirsty systems that know what we’re here to do and are ready to do it. We’re all impacted in some way, and the more we move into this, the more obvious that will be to all.