It has been crazy since the Lion’s Gate on August 8. There is so much happening we can’t even keep up with it. And the energies are so strong, and they are impacting our pets as well. My cat is now feeling the big blasts. He becomes agitated, just like I do, in some of the energies, especially at night.
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Claiming Our Authority
This past week, we’ve been experiencing our movement out of the old world. We have been seeing the new pulling away from the old. And interactions this past week with the old world have been challenging. That coupled with the fatigue and sleepiness has made it a not very productive week for some of us. We are embodying big-time all of this New Earth creational energy because…
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I had a telling dream this week. I was asked to give a key back to a couple I knew years ago. Now in my actual life I never had their key and I was puzzled about that in the dream. But I gave it back, this single silver house key, and the moment I did, two young children appeared and we began to play. The level of joy and happiness was incredible, and I woke up feeling wonderful. I wondered whose children they were.
Continue readingEnergy Update, July 24, 2022
Again this past week we’ve had a couple of days where the energy felt very challenging. This intense energy can create sleep issues as well as feelings of not being able to cope. When you are going thru these challenges, be very kind to yourself. Allow yourself some quiet time, take part in some soothing activities or activities you enjoy. We are going step by step by step, and noticing now the obvious changes as we embody more of all the newness and the consistently elevating, evolutionary energies.
Continue readingMoving into More Newness
We continue to move into our new spaces, as we separate from the old patterns and the 3D matrix. Here’s an example. I received a call from the power company Tuesday evening giving me information about my “power outage.” But I didn’t have one. A bit later, on my bike ride, I encountered a couple I know, who asked if my power was out. They had heard a small explosion an hour earlier and were told the power would be out for several hours. Workers from the power company were near their house making repairs.
Continue readingNew Earth’s Natural Healing Frequencies
A week ago I woke up from a powerful dream where I was with my mother and two of my aunts in Dallas, Texas, where I’ve never been. One aunt, who is the only one left on the earth plane, was on her way to a healing center to be treated for cancer (which she doesn’t have in real life). They wanted me to find a hotel so I walked around Dallas for a while. The energy was glaring and jarring and full of disharmony. There were no hotels, which was odd. So I kept walking.
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There is so much going on. The incoming energies are almost nonstop. We’re receiving codes, we’re embodying all the new light, and we’re noticing the increasing gap between us and the ones who are still hanging out in the old world. Many of us came here for what is taking place right now, and we can feel this growing commitment to the work we are doing. We have become focused, we’re holding the energy and not letting anything distract us. But we’re also connecting with those we know or with new people, in a new way, even if just for a short time. This happens as we hold the new space.
Continue readingHolding the Light
This past few days, I’m being shown things in an allegorical way. This is unusual for me, and it shows we’ve moved even further into the higher frequencies. We can now more easily see when something represents something else, and we can take a step back and just observe. We can move from “being acted upon” to “being the actor, the creator.” We’re looking at what we’re being shown, taking stock and moving ahead armed with new information.
Continue readingCo-creation with Everything
These waves of energy are moving us quickly into a a new space, and seeing what is taking place in this new field, this new frequency, is really interesting. So much is happening it’s not possible to document it all, but I’ll share one thing from the last few days that is a great example. On my bike ride Wednesday I picked up a small piece of paper from the road to put into a trash can that had been put out for pickup. I noticed there was a little triangular rock, about the size of a dime, pressed into the paper. At first I thought it was glued there, but it was only pressed in from cars running over it.
Continue readingTimelines, Portals and Clarity
Juxtapositions are becoming very interesting of late. The way things are fitting together, like puzzle pieces, in ways we can’t explain and yet make perfect sense. This is happening now, all the time. It can be strange and make you ask, what just happened? And it can be surprising because it seems so random and yet perfect.
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