This Multi-level Event

There is so much happening on so many levels and all of it is a part of the grand transformation and our shift into the new consciousness. Much of what is taking place has been felt by many for some time. We’ve seen the players who would move into the forefront to play their part to move everything forward, to be a part of this shift. It is definitely interesting to watch. And yet, for those of us creating the new and anchoring the new scenarios, we aren’t involved on some of those levels even tho we see them. Everything is changing, all of it. And many are working at different levels to shepherd the change. Feel your own guidance to know where you are.

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Walking in Our Light

Through yet another portal on 3/3 we moved into more of our newness. That morning when I got up I could smell the most wonderful fragrance, like frangipani flowers, in my room. I was filled with happiness all morning, and when I went on my bike ride, I felt like I could ride forever. These days of having energy are incredibly wonderful when they follow a day or two of being completely zapped and hardly able to do anything. We’ve been having that too, unfortunately. This is happening in the transition from the old system of powerlessness to the new system of purity, resonance with our soul and heart-power.

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The Advent of Miracles in the New Frequencies

As I’ve shared recently, we’ve been dealing with very heavy energy the last couple of months as we continue to break thru into higher and higher frequencies. At times it has felt oppressive. It can overwhelm you with sadness and heaviness and tiredness. But we continue forging ahead into the new, embodying all the newness and creating something very different. The crystalline frequencies are all about balance, harmony, Love, and being in our truth and our power. This past week, we’ve come into a frequency that can bring miracles into our world, into each of our worlds. I’ve experienced several myself, all surprising, and all having the feeling of being part of our new, very special connection to the cosmos. When we land in these heart-based, light-drenched spaces, we feel our inter-connectedness. The separation disappears. We become encompassed by wholeness, surrounded by grace.

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Seeing the Path, Knowing the Way

Time seems to be flying by these days. It’s flying by and standing still at the same time. When you are in the moment, that moment is very expansive, it seems to reach out and encompass forever. And then suddenly you notice a week of linear time has gone by.

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Unity and Connection in the New

We continue separating from the old and moving into the new, which is now, by far, the longest process we have ever been thru, especially for those of us who started 10 or 20 years ago. We continue practicing our skills with this new energy so that we can be in this high frequency, which is increasing constantly now. This week again there has been heavy energy for a few days, where we could feel the sadness and anger that was a part of the old world. We can feel this within us as we continue to clear our physical being. The heaviness has felt restrictive. It’s like trying to run in waist-deep water. We’re experiencing the freedom of the new, but in the old world, we are not free. So the heaviness is around us. But as the heaviness released again, we moved into the lighter energy. And this time, we noticed we had released more of the old. We are releasing watching TV and movies, because they no longer speak to us. We’re releasing people when we no longer have commonalities. We’re releasing activities. Anything that no longer resonates is going, and it’s just happening. Life becomes simple, peaceful, balanced.

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Entering the Exalted Realms

This week, once again, we have moved into all new territory, thanks to the continued hard work and dedication of the ones focused on creating our New Earth. This is an exalted realm, a realm of purity, infused with the white light of the new consciousness. You are going to notice everything that is not in alignment with this exalted energy. And it will not feel comfortable for you. You are going to finally realize that you are leaving the old earth and everything it represented, everything it was, everything it held. We simply lose our ability to be a part of it and agree to it anymore. Period.

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The New Earth Is a Dynamic Frequency

We now have the opportunity, when we are able to hold the frequency, to be in New Earth and to experience it. And we are finding some amazing things. Every day we can ask to move into this frequency as we continue to release any old patterns that keep our frequency contained. It is our personal responsibility to do this. No one can do it for us. And when we observe our frequency going lower, we can address this. We can read or listen to something that inspires us, we can take a walk outside in a place where we can be in the natural world and enjoy its sights and sounds and smells and energy. The natural world is constantly creating on many levels, in many ways. It is never static. Find a place where you can align with this energy and experience it. How can you support it and share your love and appreciation for it?

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New Earth Stories

I want to share a story from a session I did with someone this week. She was asking about money, and when it might arrive, being in the same situation as many are now, without as many financial resources as they had before the situation created by the virus. She received some information about clearing a bit more old programming, and then a message came thru that she needed to call in the magic in her life. Sometimes she does, but other times she goes into worrying about things. The moment she got that message, she unconsciously took the edges of the sweater she was wearing with her hands, and suddenly pulled back the left side. On her T-shirt was the word Cash.

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The New Leaders

We are in a COMPLETELY NEW energetic space. This happened just after the first of the year. This is a space unlike any we have seen before, and we’ve seen a lot in the last 10 to 20 years. I was connected with this new energy on the night of the 4th, when I noticed there was new stuff flying around my room after I turned off the lights. At first I asked it to leave because I didn’t recognize any of it, including the gold orb floating a few feet away. But it didn’t leave and so I said, who’s here? That’s how we learn, by asking.

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2021: The Year of Change

Happy New Year! Here we are moving into the traditional potential of new beginnings and fresh starts. We are also moving into the New Earth that we are creating all around us. We saw so much end in 2020, even on the last day of the year, and some of it may have been things in your own life that were surprising to you. But we continue to see things rising to the surface so that we can choose what we want to do and how we want to be.

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