Using Our Magnificent Creative Power

We are definitely getting some practice right now in navigating 3D from the new frequencies. We are being shown that we need to be creating what we want, as we want it. We can no longer drop back into any old thinking. I had a perfect example of this when I went to the Farmer’s Market this morning, Sunday. It’s a holiday weekend, and there are many extra people in town on vacation. The roads were busy. I began to think I wouldn’t find a parking space, and as I drove past the large parking lot where the market is held, my concerns were playing out. I checked all my usual spots. There was nowhere to park. I thought of just going back home, but then I said, Wait, I can make a spot. I’ve done it a zillion times. So I pictured one in my favorite small parking lot and as I went past that lot again, there were two spaces!

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The Latest Changes

Friday was a very interesting day, and the energies that arrived have changed us even more. Slowly but surely we are evolving out of the old world that has been our home for so many years. And putting down roots in this whole new world that we are creating within us and around us.

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Our Evolving Leadership

The energies have been constant in recent days, giving no break. We are simply in them now, all the time. We now recognize how they make us feel. We can feel the changes taking place in us. Importantly, we’re using our growing intuitive abilities to a greater degree, letting them override our tendency to default to thinking. And this makes things easier.

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Conversation with the Universe

These energies are seriously transformational. It is becoming clear that we are in a conversation with the universe thru the many ways it communicates. This conversation is guided and supportive. At this time we are being asked to move fully into our power. It has been a long process to connect with this power and to see what it can do, and while we are still learning, we are now at the point where we can fully embrace it. Those of us who have aligned with our sovereignty and come into balance have access to this power in ways that have not been available before.

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Moving into Cosmic Mastery

After 2 very intense weeks, there was a break Thursday and you may have noticed beginning to feel better. But the break was temporary and the intense energies picked up again. These may be making you feel very sleepy even tho you slept well, or you may be not sleeping well. You may be having trouble focusing your brain and your eyes. You may be experiencing your appetite is less. You may be noticing your physical body moving into more healing and alignment with the new. For example, a friend in another state and I drew the same card from an oracle deck this morning. I got a message yesterday to draw a card, but hadn’t done it until this morning. That same card fell out of her deck when she drew a card. The card was cosmic mastery, and it was one I hadn’t drawn before. And yet, it is exactly what we are working on now. We’re aligning with our mastery to create our world. We’re giving specific instructions and seeing these manifest as we accept our divine nature.

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New Gifts and Powers

Things are definitely becoming very different with the growing gap between us and the old world. We can now see that we were never a part of that world, in spite of having lived in it. It just never felt like home. But we did our best. We created wonderful families and loving relationships with those near and dear to us. We have had jobs we enjoyed, great friends, interesting adventures, and also challenges. But there was something missing that we felt in quiet moments. We could feel it deep inside of us—we had come for something bigger.

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Nothing Is Stopping Us Now

As we spend more time in this supportive, revitalizing energy of the New Earth, enjoying the magic that it brings, we are noticing that we really feel less inclined to interact with the old world and all that it entails. It continues to feel less interesting and more challenging. The frequencies are no longer a match. We’ve become aware of the ways we’ve invested in others and we’re making our withdrawals. It’s become very clear to us that we are moving into the next phase of our process, and we will no longer be carrying anyone else. Each person must now do their own work and create their own path into the new time.

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Creational Alignment

In the last week we’ve had some important changes that have moved us into a new experience. For me, it began with a middle-of-the-night vision where I was shown how we are creating the New Earth. We are bringing it in thru our heart consciousness. As we align with heart consciousness, the crystalline/Christ consciousness, and begin using the purity of this to create, we become able to bring in the New Earth. Again, this happens once we are in alignment with heart consciousness thru our own heart center. We give birth to the New Earth thru our own love, thru the power of our divine creativity. We have to move out of our heads, out of all the ideas that we have allowed to limit us. And then it happens. It happens because we are powerful.

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Creating Community on New Earth

During a session with someone this past week, some information came thru that I want to share with all who are interested in creating community on New Earth. This person had questions about how to create new scenarios in her own community, a small tourist town that has become very busy with tourism in recent years. So this information came thru with specific help for her town, but I saw that there was much that could be helpful to all of us involved in this work. We can use our own power plus ask for assistance from the higher realms to create for the highest good for all. This is not about just our own interests, it is about creating the new scenarios that we are all moving into. We are creating harmony, balance, peace, awareness, respect, support and caring. Our new communities are heart-based. While the focus of the past hundreds of years has been on making money, now we shift to crystalline consciousness and co-creative endeavors.

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