Seeing the New Unfold

I had a fun, sweet moment this week. I was riding my bike with a neighbor and she mentioned that she likes to have fudge for Christmas. I told her I have not had fudge for years, but my mother used to make it. “I think I would like to have one small piece,” I added. And that was that. I forgot all about it. The next day I was on my bike again, and I encountered a couple from the neighborhood taking a plate of cookies to the woman across the street from them.“She’s not home,” I told them. “She went to her nephew’s house.” We chatted for a minute and then she pulled the plastic wrap back and asked, “Would you like a cookie?”

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Finding Your Path

I love to hear people’s stories of how they got to where they are. I’ve always been fascinated by the twists and turns and synchronicities that lead us to where we are going. In my own life I can look back and see the bread crumbs that were dropped that often didn’t make sense or seemed random at the time.

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November’s Big Wave: Absorbing the Woo, Avoiding the Goo

This week a friend and I had coffee to celebrate both our birthdays. We went to a place on the river and it was so rainy and gray you could barely see the river. Everything was gray. Even the tanker ship going past was ghostly. But inside the coffee shop was cozy and warm. She and I had a great conversation, and it was wonderful to talk. At one point she looked at me, put her hands over her heart and said, “You connect right to a person’s heart. I don’t know anyone else who does that.”

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The Love Is Getting Stronger

It seems hard to convey what is taking place now, but we are in the midst of something quite remarkable. Once you see it and become aware of it, it’s all you can do to just be in it. We are experiencing an incredible miracle right now. The more we relax and go with it, the better.

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People of Victory

We are having some major opportunities now to release fear and doubt. We have all carried fear and doubt deep within us from the 3D experience on the earth, and we have been releasing this for years. Some of it has been stubborn and slow to leave.

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We are in some instability now as we reach this stage of the process. This is why we have been working to create stability, so that as we move thru this transition into the newness, into what we are establishing, we can do so with as little disruption and upheaval as possible. We are now seeing the unfoldments take place with all. We have known this was coming and one of the most important things we can do now is hold the space, our space, the space of New Earth that we have created. It is important to hold this with all our being, with the power of our new Self, the Self that is infused with the crystalline light to become whole. This is who we are now, and this is the Self we are sharing with the world. And specifically, this is the Self we are sharing with our communities.

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Psychic Expansion in the Crystalline Realm

Thursday night after I went to bed, I heard a sound—like something breaking—and then suddenly I was in a psychic experience of my house being broken apart in a very dramatic way. But I couldn’t make sense of it. Within seconds I realized I had to pull myself out of that experience, and I did, with great force. And then all was well.

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What We Know in Our Heart

Our internal homing beacon for truth has been activated. And its job is to lead us to truth. The place of truth, of course, is also our Home, and we recognize this energy when we encounter it. It’s like meeting someone for the first time who you feel you already know, and you want to spend time with them. We are moving into this space, and we are creating it as well. And while the pull into this new is irresistible, the challenges can be great, because in the process we are pulled from the mire of a world that we believed in for a long time, a place that we called home but have come to see that it did not represent truth and it did not support or nurture us.

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It’s Kismic (Our New Word)

We’ve been moving more quickly into higher-frequency spaces.

Since September got underway we’ve been moving more quickly thru gateways into higher-frequency spaces. So you may be noticing a couple of things. First, the old has separated even more, and second, we are feeling better and better as the rejuvenation continues. We’re feeling a new level of happiness that permeates our being. We begin to see that our own thinking has kept us down, and these patterns continue to release. The habit to think in a negative way has been incredibly limiting, and as we notice it and release it from our own way of being, we can observe it in those around us who are still actively participating in the old dynamics. Negativity is one of the biggies being cleared now. That and alcohol. Alcohol as a substance that is abused is being cleared as well. But don’t worry, the energy cocktails we’re receiving are way stronger and more supportive. Continue reading

Using Our Expanded Ascension Power Tools

For the last few years, we’ve been working on creating our New Earth to make it real, ever since we first glimpsed it in a higher vibrational frequency. I remember the first time I saw it, when it was “floating” perhaps a foot or two above the earth I was walking on, the earth we’ve all known. When I saw it, I thought, “there it is! How do we get there?” Because even tho it was so close, it was still seemingly out of reach. Continue reading