Finding Your Path

I love to hear people’s stories of how they got to where they are. I’ve always been fascinated by the twists and turns and synchronicities that lead us to where we are going. In my own life I can look back and see the bread crumbs that were dropped that often didn’t make sense or seemed random at the time.

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The Cosmic Escalator

The level of trust that we are moving into requires complete surrender. And as we surrender, we begin to use our intuition as a guidance tool. It’s a bit of a spooky experience to do this because we are so used to using our rational minds. We don’t realize how strong our intuitive skills are. It’s important to practice using them so that we can be ready and become used to what it feels like when these are operating full-time. Our intuition is our map to the world, and specifically our new world. When we are going with our intuitive abilities we are riding a strong, a wave that was designed as our guidance system. We are designed to see, feel, sense, know and create.

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People of Victory

We are having some major opportunities now to release fear and doubt. We have all carried fear and doubt deep within us from the 3D experience on the earth, and we have been releasing this for years. Some of it has been stubborn and slow to leave.

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Recipe for New Earth

Last time I mentioned the healing/creation rays that are now available as part of our new reality. I said they looked like lines of light, each a different color, one on top of the other, glowing colors, like a rainbow, but aligned horizontally. And many more colors. A couple days after the post came out, I received an email with a photo. A reader said that after she read the post, she saw this horizontal rainbow from her porch. She’s never seen one before. So I include her photo here. It’s powerful when we receive validation in our lives for what we are doing and experiencing.

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For the last few days I am feeling a release from what was. We have worked hard to clear our past and to open pathways into the new, and we have held this new energy with all the power of our being. It feels like we are now being released from the role of holding these pathways open. In other words, we can now move into the new and allow others to make their way when they are ready. The pathway is there, it is illuminated. It may take them an hour or a week or a year, but we are moving ahead. We now move into the construction of our new spaces and worlds. We have consciously waited and held the space for those who are headed this way, but they are now going to be doing this work on their own. We have to move into making the new space where we live. We are having this experience now, and you may be noticing this in your own comings and goings and what is taking place around you.

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The Time of the New Sun

This last week, there was an opportunity to see a rare conjunction in the sky as Jupiter and Saturn came close, at least from our perspective here on earth. This has not been visible in the night sky in about 800 years, and we won’t see it again for 60 more years.
It created what is called the Christmas star, as it happened close to Christmas, and it’s theorized this is what happened 2000 some years ago to create the star of Bethlehem. My sighting was after dark on the 23rd, when our skies finally cleared. How interesting to see this conjunction taking place now, with the return of Christ consciousness creating our new way of being at this time. We’re bringing love and healing and peace and harmony back into our lives, and we had a beautiful sight in the night sky to show us how real this is.

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Some Big Purple Light

There is the most beautiful heart-expanding, heart-softening energy coming in today, Friday 9/18, as we head into the Fall Equinox on Tuesday 9/22. It’s another 9/9 gateway, and this energy is helping us to open even more, to surrender to what we have held the farthest from us—love. The love that many of us found in the old world, the 3D world, wasn’t safe. No wonder that we kept it away from us, so that we could feel safe, so that we could find out who we really are without anyone else telling us who they think we are with their assumptions and projections.

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Creating Our New Experience

There is so much taking place, so fast, it is hard to keep pace with it, and even harder to put it into words. We have been fast-tracked for sure, which means for the most part we may be just trying to hold things together for ourself. There is a sense of quiet with this, as we have established peaceful settings to enable our own process. The experience of nature is so important right now, as the natural world is very balancing. Being outside or even having a view of a natural setting is powerful, and being able to enjoy natural sounds—birds, bees, the breeze, water—and natural beauty, squirrels, turtles, deer, hawks, flowers, trees, whatever is around you. Find a place you can walk or sit and enjoy and disconnect from all the craziness taking place in the outer world.

Find a spot where you can sit and enjoy the natural world.
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Separation of the Worlds

We continue on in the midst of this very odd experience we are currently having that is happening on many levels. At the level of the old world, the 3D experience, we’ve been asked to stay home except for trips to the store for groceries. Some neighbors of mine went to a grocery store 50 miles away yesterday just for a change of scenery and something to do and they said they thoroughly enjoyed their outing. Think back a couple of months. Going to the store was an errand to get a few groceries. Now it’s an outing, a chance to do something besides stay home. There’s something in the air that feels like a throwback to times past, people enjoying simple things and wanting connection with others.

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Sharing Our Light and Creating Our Dream

There’s lot of new information coming in to each of us, all kinds of information. Memories, pictures, future events, ideas, insights and more. The flow has increased significantly in December. This is to help us as we move into our new way of being and into being aligned with the New Earth. This is happening now, and we can surrender to this and make it our intention to move easily into the new. We’ve got this, really we do.

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