New Gifts and Powers

Things are definitely becoming very different with the growing gap between us and the old world. We can now see that we were never a part of that world, in spite of having lived in it. It just never felt like home. But we did our best. We created wonderful families and loving relationships with those near and dear to us. We have had jobs we enjoyed, great friends, interesting adventures, and also challenges. But there was something missing that we felt in quiet moments. We could feel it deep inside of us—we had come for something bigger.

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Nothing Is Stopping Us Now

As we spend more time in this supportive, revitalizing energy of the New Earth, enjoying the magic that it brings, we are noticing that we really feel less inclined to interact with the old world and all that it entails. It continues to feel less interesting and more challenging. The frequencies are no longer a match. We’ve become aware of the ways we’ve invested in others and we’re making our withdrawals. It’s become very clear to us that we are moving into the next phase of our process, and we will no longer be carrying anyone else. Each person must now do their own work and create their own path into the new time.

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Creational Alignment

In the last week we’ve had some important changes that have moved us into a new experience. For me, it began with a middle-of-the-night vision where I was shown how we are creating the New Earth. We are bringing it in thru our heart consciousness. As we align with heart consciousness, the crystalline/Christ consciousness, and begin using the purity of this to create, we become able to bring in the New Earth. Again, this happens once we are in alignment with heart consciousness thru our own heart center. We give birth to the New Earth thru our own love, thru the power of our divine creativity. We have to move out of our heads, out of all the ideas that we have allowed to limit us. And then it happens. It happens because we are powerful.

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Creating Community on New Earth

During a session with someone this past week, some information came thru that I want to share with all who are interested in creating community on New Earth. This person had questions about how to create new scenarios in her own community, a small tourist town that has become very busy with tourism in recent years. So this information came thru with specific help for her town, but I saw that there was much that could be helpful to all of us involved in this work. We can use our own power plus ask for assistance from the higher realms to create for the highest good for all. This is not about just our own interests, it is about creating the new scenarios that we are all moving into. We are creating harmony, balance, peace, awareness, respect, support and caring. Our new communities are heart-based. While the focus of the past hundreds of years has been on making money, now we shift to crystalline consciousness and co-creative endeavors.

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The Stairway to Somewhere

I think I mentioned in a past post that as a teenager I repeatedly saw a stairway leading up into the sky. I even dreamed about it. When I went up the stairs they ended, and I always wondered at that time what this was about. Why was I seeing a stairway leading to nowhere? Well, now when I look at those same stairs. I am at the top and there is a a beautiful bridge into the new. I spend a lot of time across the bridge by choice, and lately I am finding I am just there in that new space. It’s peaceful, it’s fluid, and we are able to create effortlessly there. It is a conscious choice to be there, and you can experiment with that for yourself. What happens when you choose and allow yourself to be in that space? Once we have released enough of our density, we can access it. This is the New Earth we are creating.

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This Is Our Time

Things are evolving quickly as we continue to move thru gateways into higher frequencies. And while this journey is not what we thought it would be like, we didn’t actually know what it would be like, except that we knew that INSIDE OF US, we were being guided. And this guidance has been strong. And it’s been accurate. Even when we haven’t know exactly why we were doing certain things, we’ve always come to find out that we were right on the path leading into the new time and the New Earth.

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Creating Our New Earth

There is big work taking place behind the scenes, on many levels. What was hidden is coming to the surface to be seen, so that we can make new choices, move beyond limitations and live in a new way. So that we will no longer be living with deception and so that we can truly embrace our true power as creator beings. We came here at this time to create a New Earth and to move with the Earth into a new relationship of respect and trust and support and co-creation. We came to remember who we are and to embody the essential frequencies to take us into a new realm: heaven on earth.

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The Shift Is Now and We Hold the Power

This last week has been interesting to observe. We’ve had some intense periods of integration, which many experience as not being able to do much. In fact, a friend just commented that this past couple of weeks, she and her husband, both avid doers, haven’t been able to get much done and haven’t cared that they couldn’t. She said, “It felt OK to just sit on the couch.” And for the first time in her life, she didn’t feel guilty about that. It was a strange, new experience. Continue reading

Using Our Power to Create

Many in the U.S. have experienced a major shock this month and everyone is dealing with it in their own way. The evening of the election, before the results were in, I received a clear message, that it didn’t matter who won because the plan was in place and in play. It allowed me to take a step back and remind myself of the work we are doing to create something new. All of this work is coming to fruition, and the old is coming to a close. While we don’t know exactly how that will look, it is important for each of us to focus on the new earth we are creating, so that it can continue to take shape around us. We are going to see many changes taking place as the old world comes apart, but we are also going to be amazed at what we are able to create. Continue reading