Bye-bye Doubt

We’re being strongly impacted by these intense waves of energy now, which are coming in with essentially no breaks as we close out the year. It’s the ending of an old way and the beginning of a new way and we’re being made new for this, in order to live in this new time. The upgrades, overrides and restructuring that is taking place can be extremely challenging to say the least. Symptoms and side effects can include dizziness, wooziness, heartburn, aches and pains that come and go, loss of appetite or heightened appetite, And lately, a fuzzy head that can make it hard to focus.

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Unusual Things Are Happening

We continue our evolution, watching as we go. Lately, I am noticing unusual things happen that seem to defy explanation. I’ll give one example. I thought about hanging a bell by the front door that the cat can ring when he wants to come in. Lately, since it has been so rainy, he spends a lot of time on the covered porch just observing everything from a dry spot. But I haven’t gotten around to doing it.

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Aiming for the Light

We are in a very new space where we are creating what we are thinking about in every moment. This means our reality can change quickly, as it flows with our thoughts. When we have high-vibrational thoughts, we see this vibrant, high-vibrational reality take shape around us, with things happening that make us laugh, take us by surprise, and feel magical.

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Finding Your Path

I love to hear people’s stories of how they got to where they are. I’ve always been fascinated by the twists and turns and synchronicities that lead us to where we are going. In my own life I can look back and see the bread crumbs that were dropped that often didn’t make sense or seemed random at the time.

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Choosing the New

This past week, we had another big shift, moving us even further into the new realm. It is happening very regularly now, as we move steadily ahead into this new expanded way of being. As we expand we are being asked to simply let go of what is old. Whatever can be let go of, do just that. Continue to lighten the load by lighting yourself up and acknowledging your Self as a creator of this new time.

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The Cosmic Escalator

The level of trust that we are moving into requires complete surrender. And as we surrender, we begin to use our intuition as a guidance tool. It’s a bit of a spooky experience to do this because we are so used to using our rational minds. We don’t realize how strong our intuitive skills are. It’s important to practice using them so that we can be ready and become used to what it feels like when these are operating full-time. Our intuition is our map to the world, and specifically our new world. When we are going with our intuitive abilities we are riding a strong, a wave that was designed as our guidance system. We are designed to see, feel, sense, know and create.

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Experiencing New Earth

We are in the midst of so much mystery now, so much magic, as we release the old earth and move into the new. The energies are swirling, reminding me of the witches in Shakespeare tending their pots. A very, very new experience is here, and we are sampling it now as we dip into this concoction that has been created. It is beautiful, it is powerful, it is going to knock our socks off. We are just starting to see what’s possible. Continue reading

Making Our Way into the New

As a teenager I had several dreams about a stairway that went up into the sky and then ended. I didn’t know what it meant then, but in the last few years, going thru this ascension process, it has felt very much like climbing a stairway into the ethers as we connect with higher and higher aspects of ourself. We go up a bit at a time, and then acclimate to the place where we have arrived. Lately this process has accelerated, and because we have cleared so much, we will notice things clearing and shifting very quickly. Continue reading

The Bringers of the New Time and the Equinox

I woke up Sunday morning and immediately felt a connection with the sun as a being. I don’t remember ever feeling the sun in this way. And this being was present with me in my room. For those cultures that honored the sun, like the Inca, who called themselves the children of the sun, this must be why. They too felt this living, tangible, encompassing presence. The sun is not just a giant ball of light in the sky that warms our world and makes life possible. It’s an actual living being, one that is now interacting with us like it did with ancient cultures. Continue reading

When Love Becomes Effortless

Twenty years ago as I walked across the dune to the beach, I had an extra-dimensional encounter with the light being called Jesus. When we have those experiences, we temporarily shift into a different reality, an altered space, and our only focus is on what we are experiencing. It’s vivid. It’s impactful. And it changes who we are. Continue reading