We are having some major opportunities now to release fear and doubt. We have all carried fear and doubt deep within us from the 3D experience on the earth, and we have been releasing this for years. Some of it has been stubborn and slow to leave.
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Hold the Light with the Power of Who You Are
This is our adventure and we’re creating it. But more important, this is our new world and we’re creating it. The more we learn and discover, the more we can create and the more we can see that we are creating.
This past week some were moved into much higher frequencies to continue their work of holding and creating the new space for everyone. You may have noticed wooziness or dizziness when this happened. We’ve been given a new vantage point and a new perspective on what’s taking place. Because of this, some may have had more attacks from the lower energies. Some people have been showing their negativity, their passive-aggressive nature, their reluctance to align with their true self. They are aligning with old programming and external ideas rather than with truth and their own inherent divinity. They have not yet made the connection to who they really are, beyond the facade of the old world. We can simply step away and move on, as there is much to do. Our job is not to change anyone. Each person will change themselves, when they are ready, when they are presented with the opportunity to see the truth for themselves, when they feel the divine light that is shining within them, wanting to be expressed.
Continue readingSeason of Miracles
It just keeps getting more surprising. A couple days ago I ran to the store to get a few things and on my way home I was listening to a local radio station. We have about two stations here so not much choice. The pop station was playing a bunch of nonsense and I turned it off. Then I said, I want to hear… and I named four singers/groups from the past. I turned the radio back on and lo and behold, they started playing a song from 1981 by the Rolling Stones, one of the groups I had mentioned! When it finished, this male voice on the radio said, “Anyone order a blast from the past?”
Continue readingThe Light Is the Way
This is the longest process ever, as every time we emerge into newness and level up with our physical being, we soon feel more heaviness and more that needs to be released. You may have noticed this especially over the past weekend with the full moon. Just as the night sky was lit with this brilliance, so too were we, as the light slipped into our own shadows. What came up for you?
Continue readingRecent Changes
The changes we have been going thru recently, in the last couple of weeks specifically, have been profound. They literally leave us different. I went thru these kinds of changes 20 years ago, in the beginning of my process. But these recent ones are even deeper and more life-altering, as they are taking us into this new realm. As we evolve, we can feel the evolution taking place. We are being made new.
Continue readingDeep Connection to Source
Immersed now in the crystalline consciousness, we are experiencing a deep connection to Source, to God, to the One, to the divinity that is our natural state. And because we have opened our beings, this connection is deeper and more immediate than we have ever felt. And as we experience it, we create this profound, real-time, now-moment Source-supported, Source-inspired connection within us, and we consequently at the same moment create it in our new worlds, that are taking shape now around us in many, many ways.
Continue readingEntering the Magnetic Flow
The pace is picking up. This week brought another surge in energy, adding to the mix and boosting what we are able to create in this new setting. How are you doing with all this?
Continue readingReclamation
On this ascension path we are experiencing reclamation of all that was our birthright, all that was taken from us, all we were not told the truth about. It is a solitary process until we move thru breaking free. And then we begin to move into unity and heart consciousness/connection with others. This latter part is where many of us are now.
Continue readingGoing for It
We are being sandblasted by Love. I experienced this the other night and it was intense and definitely no-nonsense. We are moving past all our old programming and opening our hearts to the new experience. This is our new age coming into being, giving us the opportunity to create the world we want to live in, a world unhampered by limitation, negativity and non-supportive energies. We can now choose to move beyond those. It is our choice as sovereign beings. When we embrace the light, we move into our truth, our authenticity and our ability to live as creators.
Continue readingBecoming Our Crystalline Creator Selves
In my last post, I shared a dream of being in the New Earth consciousness, the lush crystalline heart consciousness we are beginning to find ourselves in. In the dream, I connected with someone at that level of consciousness and experienced what felt like several hours of being in the unified field, our hearts completely open, where we were simply feeling the power of our new unified connection.
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