Seeing the New Unfold

I had a fun, sweet moment this week. I was riding my bike with a neighbor and she mentioned that she likes to have fudge for Christmas. I told her I have not had fudge for years, but my mother used to make it. “I think I would like to have one small piece,” I added. And that was that. I forgot all about it. The next day I was on my bike again, and I encountered a couple from the neighborhood taking a plate of cookies to the woman across the street from them.“She’s not home,” I told them. “She went to her nephew’s house.” We chatted for a minute and then she pulled the plastic wrap back and asked, “Would you like a cookie?”

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Finding Your Path

I love to hear people’s stories of how they got to where they are. I’ve always been fascinated by the twists and turns and synchronicities that lead us to where we are going. In my own life I can look back and see the bread crumbs that were dropped that often didn’t make sense or seemed random at the time.

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November’s Big Wave: Absorbing the Woo, Avoiding the Goo

This week a friend and I had coffee to celebrate both our birthdays. We went to a place on the river and it was so rainy and gray you could barely see the river. Everything was gray. Even the tanker ship going past was ghostly. But inside the coffee shop was cozy and warm. She and I had a great conversation, and it was wonderful to talk. At one point she looked at me, put her hands over her heart and said, “You connect right to a person’s heart. I don’t know anyone else who does that.”

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The Love Is Getting Stronger

It seems hard to convey what is taking place now, but we are in the midst of something quite remarkable. Once you see it and become aware of it, it’s all you can do to just be in it. We are experiencing an incredible miracle right now. The more we relax and go with it, the better.

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2021: The Year of Change

Happy New Year! Here we are moving into the traditional potential of new beginnings and fresh starts. We are also moving into the New Earth that we are creating all around us. We saw so much end in 2020, even on the last day of the year, and some of it may have been things in your own life that were surprising to you. But we continue to see things rising to the surface so that we can choose what we want to do and how we want to be.

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The Pathway to the New Is Wide Open

We’ve had an energetic pathway leading to New Earth for quite some time, and that pathway has just opened to a full-blown road. This is a beautiful indication of where we are now. We are moving strongly ahead into the new, as we leave the old behind. You can probably feel this taking place within, all the releases and the “feeling done with” so many things. You can see it in the lack of understanding between you and others. It’s like you live in two different worlds, with very different concerns. And trying to communicate that is an enormous challenge. We can only do our best. I just saw a sweatshirt advertised online that said “I’M ONLY TALKING TO MY DOG TODAY.” I am sure there are times now you can relate to that.

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Being the Catalyst

We came here to do something SPECIFIC, something GRAND, something HUGE. This was beyond our understanding years ago, but now we are seeing it. We are here to embody an entirely NEW way of BEING. We are embodying it, anchoring it and sharing it with all. And our presence around others helps them to come into the new, by the very power of our frequency. Our frequency is a catalyst, the catalyst, the reminder to those we come into contact with that they are also here for something grand, not thru our words, but thru the frequency we are holding and emitting. We have literally battled our way thru the trenches to get here, facing challenges, facing our own doubt and the doubt of others, being misunderstood and even isolated because of our mission. All that is changing now, finally, as we become the catalyst.

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January 2020 Energies

Last Thursday I had a plan to do some work, and at 4 pm I hadn’t done it. BUT I did some other things that showed up to be done and had some magical experiences with that. And it is a great example of what is coming for us. We can have our ideas of what we are going to do, because we all learned to plan our days. But then along can come some wonderful surprises of experiences we hadn’t planned for. And we can choose to just enjoy those because they are showing up.

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Using Our Magic –> Imagination

As kids we readily imagined worlds into being, worlds that made us happy, where we spent hours playing. Think back to the worlds you concocted then, lands beyond time, fanciful kingdoms, wild spaces, wide-open places where you could be YOU to your heart’s content. We’re calling on these skills again as we create New Earth. In the midst of these massive energy influxes, we’re learning how to dream our new worlds into being, our new unified communities and cozy homesteads, our new peaceful places and co-creative environments, spaces that make us happy. We are the empowered creators of a whole new gig. And it’s happening now. Continue reading