The Immensity of Our Divine Feminine Power

Those of us who came here to do this have been fighting for quite a while in various ways to change from the old to the new. Thursday morning came a message from my team that we are done fighting. Now we are simply creating, using the awesome immensity of the Divine Feminine that has presented, that we are embodying as part of who we now are.

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New Experiences

The West Coast had a tsunami advisory this morning, and before I knew about it, I wondered why my cat had not wanted to go outside, as is usual for him. He was sitting all early morning, watching outside to the west. After I got up, he moved to the living room to watch, and finally went out and watched from the deck for about 10 minutes. He stayed with me, which is also unusual. Normally he would have gone to choose a sleeping spot for his long daily snooze.

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Releasing the Pain Body

Recently I’ve been getting the message that many are releasing the pain body now. This is a 3D felt sense that is experienced as pain. It has developed from trying to connect with and then internalizing a world that we have not been aligned with frequency-wise. When stored in the body these out-of-frequency energies create misalignment.

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Seeing the New Unfold

I had a fun, sweet moment this week. I was riding my bike with a neighbor and she mentioned that she likes to have fudge for Christmas. I told her I have not had fudge for years, but my mother used to make it. “I think I would like to have one small piece,” I added. And that was that. I forgot all about it. The next day I was on my bike again, and I encountered a couple from the neighborhood taking a plate of cookies to the woman across the street from them.“She’s not home,” I told them. “She went to her nephew’s house.” We chatted for a minute and then she pulled the plastic wrap back and asked, “Would you like a cookie?”

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Bye-bye Doubt

We’re being strongly impacted by these intense waves of energy now, which are coming in with essentially no breaks as we close out the year. It’s the ending of an old way and the beginning of a new way and we’re being made new for this, in order to live in this new time. The upgrades, overrides and restructuring that is taking place can be extremely challenging to say the least. Symptoms and side effects can include dizziness, wooziness, heartburn, aches and pains that come and go, loss of appetite or heightened appetite, And lately, a fuzzy head that can make it hard to focus.

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Unusual Things Are Happening

We continue our evolution, watching as we go. Lately, I am noticing unusual things happen that seem to defy explanation. I’ll give one example. I thought about hanging a bell by the front door that the cat can ring when he wants to come in. Lately, since it has been so rainy, he spends a lot of time on the covered porch just observing everything from a dry spot. But I haven’t gotten around to doing it.

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Aiming for the Light

We are in a very new space where we are creating what we are thinking about in every moment. This means our reality can change quickly, as it flows with our thoughts. When we have high-vibrational thoughts, we see this vibrant, high-vibrational reality take shape around us, with things happening that make us laugh, take us by surprise, and feel magical.

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Finding Your Path

I love to hear people’s stories of how they got to where they are. I’ve always been fascinated by the twists and turns and synchronicities that lead us to where we are going. In my own life I can look back and see the bread crumbs that were dropped that often didn’t make sense or seemed random at the time.

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Choosing the New

This past week, we had another big shift, moving us even further into the new realm. It is happening very regularly now, as we move steadily ahead into this new expanded way of being. As we expand we are being asked to simply let go of what is old. Whatever can be let go of, do just that. Continue to lighten the load by lighting yourself up and acknowledging your Self as a creator of this new time.

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